Love—it’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it? But sometimes, in the midst of all the heart-fluttering feels, we can become a bit blind. If you’re finding yourself quietly wondering, “Is he using me?”—well, that’s your first clue right there. Your intuition, my friend, is already trying to save you from heartbreak!

If something feels off, it probably is. Never underestimate the power of your intuition. We’re all suckers for romance, and so you should be. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore the red flags.

You’ll meet all types in this vast dating world—some with hearts of gold, and some with hearts like cold, unyielding stone. To save yourself from those destined to leave you in tears, it helps to recognize the signs of being used by a man sooner rather than later.

Here are the tell-tale signs that your man’s intentions aren’t as pure as you’d like them to be:

He Doesn’t Show His Emotions

If your guy is keeping his feelings under lock and key, it’s a significant red flag. Sure, men aren’t always the most expressive creatures, but when in love, even the most stoic will crack a smile or shed a tear now and then.

He Only Seems to Be Close to You in Bed

Pay attention to when he’s affectionate. If he’s all charm and cuddles only when it’s time to hit the sheets, there might be trouble in paradise.

He’s Still in Touch with His Exes

A man truly invested in you will naturally drift away from former flames. If he’s still regularly chatting with an ex, he might miss what he had—and might never fully be with you.

He Doesn’t Know the Real You

When he doesn’t bother learning about your quirks, your dreams, or the little things that make you, well, you—it’s a warning sign. If he’s not digging deeper, it’s because he doesn’t care enough to.

You Feel Like a Stranger Around Him

Do you feel like you’re dating someone who couldn’t care less about who you truly are? It’s a tell-tale sign—if he’s not bothering to know the real you, it’s because he doesn’t want to.

He Walks Away from Arguments

Arguments, while not pleasant, are part of a healthy relationship. If he’s always walking away and never willing to work through disagreements, he’s more interested in peace for himself than in you.

He Doesn’t Seem to Care About You

If he’s oblivious to your bad days, your illnesses, or your emotional ups and downs, it’s because you’re not a priority. He simply…doesn’t care.

He Doesn’t Want To Think About The Future

If all your conversations about the future hit a brick wall, he’s likely thinking short-term. A man in love will at least entertain a future together. If he’s not, you might just be a passing chapter in his book.

He Spends Less Time With You and More With His Friends

Having a social life is healthy, but if he’s consistently choosing his friends over you, it shows where his priorities lie. A man in love will find a balance.

He’s Never Enjoying the Moments with You

Memorable moments should be a shared joy. If he seems indifferent during these times, there’s a lack of emotional connection. Love brings excitement, it brings joy—and if he’s not showing it, it’s probably not there.

He Never Introduces You to His Family

Meeting the family is a significant step. If he keeps this part of his life hidden, it’s because he doesn’t see you in his future. You’re just a present pastime.

You Have a Bad Feeling

Trust that gut feeling. If something feels amiss, it usually is. Don’t ignore the signs. Listen to your instincts—they’re often spot on.

So there you have it. Relationships should bring out the best in you and fill your life with joy and respect. If you find yourself nodding to the points above, it might be time to re-evaluate and protect your heart. Everyone deserves to be loved, not used.

Remember, it’s better to be single and happy than in a relationship where you’re mistreated or undervalued. Keep your head up and your heart open to the love you truly deserve.