We’ve all been in cringeworthy situations, but some are just so disgustingly unforgettable that they stay with us forever. Whether it’s seeing something repulsive or consuming something nauseating, these moments are hard to erase from our memories. Today, we have gathered some of the most surprising and revolting experiences that people have ever had and couldn’t resist sharing them online.

12 People Who Faced an Incredibly Repulsive Situation

When Ice Became Foot Baths

I used to work as a server at a nice steakhouse. One day, a lady came in and ordered drinks along with two to-go boxes full of ice. It was a strange request, but I obliged and brought the drinks and the boxes of ice. A few minutes later, I returned to the table only to find that the boxes were missing. To my horror, I discovered that she had taken off her shoes and socks and had her bare feet in the boxes of ice, right there at the table, in the middle of a crowded dining room. It was a sight that made my stomach turn.

A Chunk of Crud, Straight to my Throat

While changing the bag in the kitchen trash bin, the bin unexpectedly lifted off the floor and then slammed back down, sending a chunk of ancient, crusty crud flying into the back of my mouth and down my throat. I can still feel the gag reflex just thinking about it.

Vinegar, not Apple Cider

When I was a kid, I used to stay with my great grandma and great aunt during the hot summers in South Georgia. One day, after playing outside in the scorching heat, I went inside and opened the refrigerator door. I spotted a bottle of what I thought was refreshing Apple Cider, so I grabbed it and took a huge swig. Little did I know, I had missed the third word on the bottle: Vinegar. The taste was absolutely repulsive.

Grease Surprise

As a child, I witnessed a rather unpleasant incident in the kitchen. While my mom was making bacon, she poured the bacon grease into a paper cup. Coincidentally, I had a cup of juice made from a similar paper cup nearby. When I went to grab my juice, I unknowingly picked up the cup containing bacon grease and took a big gulp without looking. The sensation of partially congealed grease entering my mouth, instead of grape juice, was absolutely terrible, especially for a toddler.

Money in Unfortunate Places

One day, a homeless man arrived at our hospital with an abdominal abscess. As we were trying to clean his wound and assess the damage, we were shocked to discover that he had been hiding his money inside the abscess. His explanation was that he kept it there to protect it from being stolen. It was a repulsive and unexpected find.

The 30-Year-Old Mustard Package

When my grandfather passed away, we had to clean out his house. While going through the fridge, I stumbled upon an old mustard package. To my horror, the package was completely black and had expired roughly 30 years ago. The sight and smell were beyond revolting.

The Forgotten Pie

During my college years, my roommate and I celebrated the start of the semester with a pie. After having some, we put it on top of the fridge for later and completely forgot about it. Fast forward to the end of the school year, we found the pie. It was in a box with a see-through top, and although it didn’t smell at all, there was an entire ecosystem thriving inside it. The colors were fascinating, but the overall scene was absolutely disgusting.

The Maggots in My Hot Chocolate

I was making some hot chocolate one day when I noticed that the chocolate powder in the glass jar was sticking to the sides. I decided to stir it with a teaspoon, only to reveal a disturbing sight – maggots wriggling around in the powder. It was a shocking and repulsive discovery.

Moldy Donuts

I once bought a pack of powdered donuts from a questionable convenience store. Hours later, as I took a bite, I immediately regretted it. The taste was dreadful. Upon further examination of the package, it turned out that the donuts were not glazed as they claimed, but instead covered in white mold. I couldn’t help but throw up after this disgusting experience.

Nasal Trimming Meeting

During a business meeting, I witnessed something quite bizarre. One of the attendees got bored and started trimming his nasal hair right there in the middle of the meeting room. I was left speechless and a little stunned by this repulsive act.

The Abscess From Hell

Last summer, I had an armpit infection that turned into an abscess and eventually popped. The smell that came from it was one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced, and I work with dogs. I was out of commission for the majority of July, had to take two antibiotics, and endure q-tips being shoved into the wound multiple times. It was a truly revolting and painful ordeal.

The Moldy Orange Juice

As a young teen, I was outside on a scorching hot day, and I ran inside to grab a 1L orange juice box from the downstairs fridge. I eagerly opened it and started chugging, only to notice some chunks inside. When I pulled the box away from my mouth, I discovered that the lid was filled with green mold. To make matters worse, the orange juice was about 50% mold as well. It was a truly disgusting surprise.