Sometimes, our instincts guide us to make choices that we wouldn’t typically consider. These spontaneous alterations in plans can sometimes save us from a potentially dire situation or even save our lives. Here are 14 incredible stories of people who were lucky enough to prevent something awful from happening.

1. A Sixth Sense at a Farmhouse
I was around 8 or 9 years old when my parents took me and my younger brother to stay at my paternal grandparents’ house, which was in the middle of a divorce. We were supposed to sleep in a room connected to a barn. However, as soon as we entered the guest room, I felt overwhelming panic and dizziness. I insisted that we wouldn’t sleep there and spent the night on the couch instead. Later that night, a gas leak in the barn exploded. If I hadn’t trusted my instincts, I might not be here today.

2. A Mother’s Intuition
When I was younger, my mom knew something was wrong with me. Despite the doctors not wanting to see me for another 2 weeks, she went into a blind rage, insisting on getting me checked immediately. The general practitioner quickly realized the severity of the situation and rushed me to the hospital. It turned out that I had type 1 diabetes, and another day without treatment could have been fatal.

3. Seatbelt Saves Lives
I used to never wear my seatbelt, but one day, I had a gut feeling to put it on. Not even a minute later, we were hit by another car going about 60 mph. If I hadn’t worn my seatbelt, I would have gone through the windshield. Since that day, I always wear my seatbelt.

4. The Eerie Silence of the Amazon
While walking in the Amazon at the end of a solo trip, I suddenly felt a strange discomfort. Everything around me went completely quiet, which was highly unusual for the jungle. Trusting my intuition, I immediately left the area. Later, I found out that the silence indicated the presence of a potential predator. Listening to my gut feeling potentially saved my life.

5. A Feline Guardian Angel
I had a cat who loved hiding in small, dark spaces. One day, I unknowingly closed her inside the dryer. However, something didn’t feel right, and I checked before turning it on. To my horror, my cat jumped out. Since that incident, I always double-check before starting any appliance.

6. A Close Call with a Pulmonary Embolism
I experienced excruciating pain in my lungs while breathing. My wife suggested going to the doctor, but I insisted that hot water would make it better. Thankfully, she insisted on going to the emergency room. It turned out that I had pulmonary embolism in both lungs, and the doctor said a delay of just a few more hours could have been fatal.

7. A Manager’s Unexpected Intuition
One day, I was about to leave work to buy some Red Bull. However, my manager unexpectedly told me to wait. As I hesitated, I heard a crashing sound. It turned out that an SUV had driven straight into the store and would have hit me if I had left earlier. My manager’s intuition saved my life.

8. A Mother’s Intuition at Daycare
My mom dropped off my 3-year-old brother at daycare one morning, but she had a terrible feeling that something was wrong. She left work and found the daycare provider sleeping inside, while the kids were running around near the pool. My brother never went back to that daycare again.

9. A Bus Ride that Avoided Disaster
I had a strange feeling not to catch a specific bus, even though I could have made it if I ran. I decided to wait for the next one instead. As the journey continued, I encountered a crash involving the bus I had almost taken. If I had been on that bus, I might not be here today.

10. Ignoring Green Lights
One day, I had a green light and a blinking arrow to turn left. However, something inside me urged me not to go. Just seconds later, a car zoomed through the intersection, running the red light at high speed. If I had turned, I would have been in a devastating collision.

11. Trusting a Mother’s Mysterious Hesitation
My family had planned a trip to the coastal South of Sri Lanka, but at the last moment, my mother didn’t want to go without any explanation. Instead, we went inland to visit other relatives. To our shock, the hotel we had initially booked was washed away by the tsunami. My mother’s instinct saved our lives.

12. A Child’s Instincts
When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I didn’t know my address, but I had to ride the bus home. The bus driver told me to get on anyway and follow the other kids. Instinctively, I chose to go left when faced with a decision to turn right or left. It turned out to be the right way, and after wandering for over an hour, I found my way home. Trusting my instincts led me safely home.

13. A Dog’s Warning
In the middle of the night, I and a friend were awakened by strange sounds outside. His dog, Izzy, growled and looked toward the back door. I was ready to charge out, but something didn’t feel right. Instead, I barred the door and peeked through a window. Outside, a gigantic bear with cubs was wandering around. If I had gone out, the outcome could have been disastrous.

14. A Bad Feeling in the ER
I went to the hospital with symptoms of shortness of breath and a racing heart. All initial tests came back normal, but something didn’t feel right. Despite their initial plan to send me home, the ER doctor agreed to conduct one more test. This test revealed multiple blood clots in both lungs, saving me from a potentially fatal situation.

These stories remind us of the importance of trusting our instincts, even when they defy rational explanation. Sometimes, our gut feelings can be our greatest protectors.