Life is full of precious and memorable moments. Fortunately, we have cameras, social media profiles, and other technologies that allow us to stay in touch with those we love and capture memories to have forever. Here are 15 heartwarming moments caught on camera to remind us that life is short and that cherishing the people we care about is important.

1. Life is Short, So Share Wisdom

This sweet moment was captured by a parent and shared on Reddit. “My son teaching his little sister how to walk from his wheelchair,” they wrote. It’s a gentle reminder that life is short, and no matter how physically capable or incapable someone may be, it’s a beautiful thing to teach others.

2. Life is Short so Encourage Your Loved Ones

This precious moment was captured by a beaming mom and wife, witnessing just how supportive and encouraging her husband can be, especially regarding their daughter. “My husband rooting for our daughter is the energy I need this week,” she wrote.

3. Find any Reason to Celebrate

This amusing picture may seem confusing initially, but it’s a precious moment that will likely cause laughter and joy for years. “Today we celebrated one year of beating a tumor. My wife made me a cake! Yea, my son is trying to steal it,” u/benhundben wrote on Reddit.

4. Life is Short but Surprises Add More Joy

This man has a great friend, one that surprised him with an adventure he’s sure to remember. “Surprised my friend by bringing him to a zoo where he got to pet his favorite animal, a sloth. His face says it all,” they wrote, capturing his joy as he got to experience the joys of nature, up close and personal.

5. Life is Short so Smile Whenever Possible

A proud father sent his wife this image and others as part of a photo shoot he did for her while she was at work. Life is short, and smiling at every opportunity is essential for overall health and well-being.

6. Generations Meet Each Other

“6 months meets 96 years — my Nana held her first great-granddaughter for the first time ever today!” This proud woman shared. She’s fortunate to still have her grandmother, but who knows how much longer she’ll be around, so this will assuredly make a precious keepsake.

7. Family Moment 30 Years Ago with My Mom and Grandpa

This sweet vintage moment is of a grandfather with his daughter and granddaughter. It’s a moment that the granddaughter will likely cherish forever, long after her loved ones have passed.

8. Life is Short, so Find People Who Matter

Adoption and other challenges can separate loved ones for years, if not forever. However, this lucky person located their family just in time to start their own. Here is an image of their biological uncle holding their newborn after years of searching. “It took me nearly 26 years to find my father and his family. This is my newborn daughter and my uncle (my father’s brother),” they explained.

9. Another Pair Reunited After Years Apart

“I met my father for the first time in my (now) 29 years. We decided to have a ‘1st birthday’ on my 29th birthday,” explained Reddit user SeaBreaux.

10. Life is Short, so Do it Your Way

Becoming a parent is easy for some. However, others may go on a long and emotional journey of IVF, surrogacy, or adoption. This precious picture proves that even the most unconventional methods of becoming a family bring joy to everyone involved. “I was a donor to my sister’s girlfriend, and I’m now a proud uncle to my donor child,” explained Redditor Pavignon.

11. Cherish Older Generations

This sweet moment shows a great-grandmother with her grandchild’s children, with all of whom she lives. “My 96-year-old great-grandma with my kids and I. So thankful she’s in our lives!” wrote RileyRhoad on Reddit.

12. A Husband’s Love Knows No Bounds

This image was captured by a loving wife who’d gotten a special surprise from her husband following a mishap with their travel plans. “Our flight got canceled for my birthday trip, and I missed the fancy pedicure we had booked. My husband surprised me the next day,” she wrote.

13. Friends in Odd Places

While many people are divided regarding internet relationships, some have found their soul mates or lifelong friends. “Met my internet best friend of 7 years for the first time!” wrote Redditor ziltussy.

14. My Friend Giving the Neighborhood Kids a Huge Box of Chalk

Whether good or bad, sometimes our childhood neighbors leave us with a lasting impression. In this case, a kind-hearted man will probably always be remembered for his kindness and generosity.

15. My Daughter and I vs. My Granddaughter and I

This man recreated a sweet moment that he shared with his daughter years ago. This time, with his granddaughter. The adorable and sentimental image highlights that life is short, and we all change over time.