Dating is something that has changed over the years, but there are still many things that are the same as well. Even though we may meet people differently than we did decades ago, the fact that there are good dates and bad dates will never change.

When we are on a bad date, it is usually a moment that we hope gets over as soon as possible. In the end, however, we are left with the story that we sometimes share for years to come.

As they say, misery loves company so we are sharing with you the top 16 bad dates that we have ever heard of. These are sure to make you feel better about your love life.

1. The date where he took me to meet his mother on our first date! I knew right then it was not going to work out.

2. I went out with a guy who spent the entire time talking about his ex. Let’s just say it was the first and last date!

3. My date forgot his wallet and made me pay for everything. Not exactly a great first impression!

4. He spent the whole evening bragging about how much money he makes. Yawn.

5. She ordered the most expensive items on the menu and then barely touched her food.

6. He showed up an hour late with no explanation or apology. The whole time, he didn’t seem to understand why I was upset.

7. My date brought along his dog because he couldn’t stand to be away from it. He paid more attention to the dog than to me!

8. She spent the entire date taking selfies and posting them on Instagram. I’m all for social media, but this was too much.

9. He talked about his video game achievements for the entire evening. I like video games too, but there are limits!

10. She criticized my outfit and suggested I should dress better next time. There wasn’t going to be a next time.

11. My date constantly checked his phone and even took a few calls. It felt like I was having dinner with myself!

12. He expected me to share his love of snakes and even brought a couple of them in his backpack. No thanks!

13. She was more interested in talking to the waiter than to me. Should I have left her number for him?

14. My date suggested we dine and dash as an ‘adventure.’ I declined and ended the evening early.

15. He took me to his favorite dive bar, which was fine until his friends showed up and it became a boys’ night out.

16. She ordered a huge meal and then asked if I could take some home for her. It was an interesting take on takeout.

Dating can be a wild rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs, twists, and unexpected turns. But remember, every bad date is just another hilarious story waiting to be shared. We hope you enjoyed these dating disasters and that they made you feel a little better about your own love life. Keep your chin up and who knows, maybe your next date will be the one!