Sometimes, family life can be challenging. We all go through ups and downs. But there are certain lines that should never be crossed. In today’s story, we learn about a family drama that escalated into a police case.

I Cut My MIL Off Because of What She Said to My Daughter About Me

I (30 F) was involved in a car accident that required me to be cut out of the wreckage. Thankfully, I wasn’t seriously injured, but the other person involved wasn’t as lucky. As I was waiting in the hospital to be discharged, I called my husband to let him know what had happened. However, there was a mix-up with the information when he dropped off our daughters (ages 6 and 11) at my mother-in-law’s house.

The next morning, my husband brought our daughters to the hospital. When my 6-year-old saw me, she burst into tears and said, “I don’t want you to die.” I reassured her and told her that I was okay and very lucky. That’s when she revealed that my mother-in-law had said she hoped I would die so that they could come live with her and their father. We were shocked, but my 12-year-old confirmed that she heard it too. My husband immediately called his mother.

When he returned to the room, he looked furious. But he didn’t say anything until we got home. He told me that my mother-in-law initially denied saying such a thing, but eventually admitted to it after he confronted her. She claimed that she didn’t mean it, but I couldn’t believe she would say something like that. I thought we were close, but I was clearly mistaken.

I was incredibly hurt by her words, and I made the decision to cut off contact between her and myself and the girls. I told my husband that he could have a relationship with her if he wanted to, but I didn’t want any contact with her. Surprisingly, my husband supported my decision and called his mother to let her know.

She didn’t take it well. She came to our house in tears, insisting that it was a misunderstanding and that we were misinterpreting her words. My husband asked her what she really meant then. She became even more emotional, crying and saying that she always wanted daughters but couldn’t have any after my husband. In her mind, our girls were more like her own daughters. She admitted that she wasn’t thinking clearly when she said those hurtful things to our 6-year-old. Eventually, my husband had to take her home because she was so overwhelmed.

When he returned, he said that he didn’t know his mother felt this way and asked me if I still wanted to cut her off. I reaffirmed my decision, and he didn’t argue. However, it’s been a week now, and my husband has been quiet and distant. I’m starting to feel guilty and wonder if I overreacted.

After a thoughtful conversation with my husband, I asked him if he was upset about cutting off contact with my mother-in-law. Surprisingly, he said he wasn’t. He explained that he had always known his mom preferred having a daughter instead of him, and it brought back painful memories of rejection and hurt from his childhood. We both agreed that therapy could help us work through these issues, and we also decided to seek therapy for our 6-year-old, who now feels anxious if I’m not nearby.

We realize that maintaining no contact with my mother-in-law is the best decision for our family’s well-being. However, we have yet to break the news to our daughter that she is no longer invited to her birthday celebration. It’s going to be a difficult conversation.

Unfortunately, the situation took a turn for the worse. My mother-in-law has been arrested. One of my husband’s cousins found my online post and reported it to her. She came over to our house and began screaming, refusing to accept that we didn’t want her involved in our lives anymore. She even physically attacked my husband, forcing him to restrain her while I called the police. It’s truly a chaotic mess.

Cutting off ties with a mother-in-law due to hurtful words spoken to our child is a painful decision to make. However, when boundaries are crossed, and our children’s emotional well-being is at stake, we have to prioritize our family’s safety and protect them. Moving forward, it’s crucial for us to focus on cultivating positive and supportive relationships within our family while setting firm boundaries to prevent further harm.