Sweden, a country with a population of 10.4 million people, may seem small compared to places like New York City. But don’t let its size fool you, because Sweden is full of surprises. In fact, it may even have more surprises than countries with larger populations.

16 Photos Proving That Life in Sweden Is Nothing Like in the Rest of the World

At Bright Side, we are always curious about how people in other countries live, and Sweden has definitely captured our hearts. From its stunning landscapes to its unique cultural practices, there’s something about Sweden that’s truly special.

One example of Sweden’s uniqueness is their special toilet system that separates urine. It’s innovative solutions like these that make Sweden stand out from the rest of the world.

Swedish kebab-pizza

Diapers in Sweden have a father on the packaging.

Stockholm subway

Look at the internet speed in Sweden.

“Stayed in a Boeing 747 converted into a hostel at Arlanda Airport, in Sweden.”

“In Sweden, we get a text message when our blood has helped a patient. This is my 3rd time donating.”

Sweden has baby stroller parking spots

Swedish planes are named after famous people.

Miriam Bryant is a Swedish singer and songwriter.

The art of parking in Stockholm

In Stockholm, there are cutouts in the barrier allowing children and adults to observe the construction site/river.

A record store for mice in Lund

Chessboards on the tables in parks

These buses in Malmö, Sweden can go in both directions like a tram.

This Stockholm tree is one of the tallest Christmas trees in the world. It’s 35 meters tall.

“Saw this in a toilet in Sweden. What’s it for?”

It’s a special toilet to separate urine.

A cute traffic light in Stockholm

So, have you ever been to Sweden? We’d love to hear about your experiences and what impressed you the most. Even if you haven’t been there yet, we hope these 16 photos showcasing life in Sweden will give you a glimpse into this fascinating country.