Every job has its quirks and peculiarities. Just as a garbage collector may stumble upon hidden treasures or a tattoo artist may create unique designs in unexpected places, the kitchen staff also experiences its fair share of unusual situations.

Unfortunately, these quirky moments often go unseen by the public. But today, we’re lifting the curtain and sharing some of the best anecdotes and photos from kitchen employees. Get ready to discover the behind-the-scenes world of gastronomic work!

1. Shucking Kushi Oysters Like a Pro

Imagine the satisfaction of perfectly shucking a Kushi oyster. It may seem strange to some, but for kitchen staff, it’s a completely normal achievement.

2. Understaffed and Overworked, Yet Loving the Job

Despite being understaffed and overworked, many kitchen employees still find a deep love for their work. It may seem strange to outsiders, but there’s something special about the buzz of a busy kitchen.

3. The Art of Potato Stacking

Who knew that stacking potatoes could be so satisfying? Kitchen staff have their own unique way of arranging clean potatoes, showcasing their attention to detail and creativity.

4. The Humble 2 Gallon Cambro

In the kitchen, even the simplest tools can become legendary. Take the humble 2 gallon cambro, for example. It may not seem extraordinary to others, but for kitchen staff, it’s an essential part of their daily routine.

5. The Exhaustion of a Long Day

Sometimes, the exhaustion of a long day in the kitchen takes its toll. It’s understandable to feel the need to say, “I don’t want to be here anymore today,” but the passion for cooking keeps them going.

6. The Dough Dilemma

Communication mishaps between owners and employees can lead to funny moments. Like the time when an owner said, “Let’s make lots of dough tonight!” and the response was to empty 50 lbs of pizza dough into the mixer.

7. Lessons Learned in the Kitchen

In every kitchen, there’s always that one cook who unknowingly teaches everyone a valuable lesson. Whether it’s not leaving a tray on an active burner or something else entirely, these experiences shape the skills and knowledge of kitchen staff.

8. From Broken Stool to Luxury Milk Crate

When a customer breaks a bar stool, kitchen staff find creative solutions. Rather than discarding it, they transform it into a makeshift luxury milk crate. Who says necessity can’t breed innovation?

9. The Forgotten Hot Wells

Imagine coming into work and realizing that nobody has watered the hot wells all day. It may seem strange, but in the hectic environment of a kitchen, oversights like this can happen.

10. Sweeping Overtime Duties

Sometimes, even when you’re working overtime, your chef might ask you to sweep the floor. It’s all part of the job, and kitchen staff take on any task that needs to be done.

11. Random Creations and Happy Coworkers

Whether it’s building something out of spare parts or working on unique projects, kitchen staff love to unleash their creativity. These random creations bring joy and camaraderie to the workplace.

12. Newbies and the Quest for Right-Hand Gloves

For newcomers to the kitchen, finding the right tools can be a challenge. Like the newbie who asked where the right-hand gloves were, these small moments of confusion are both amusing and endearing.

13. The Mystery Scream from the Backroom

When a scream echoes through the kitchen, you can’t help but investigate. And sometimes, you stumble upon strange and unexpected sights, like a cook carrying a giant squid. That’s kitchen life for you!

14. The Art of Lemon Zesting

Witnessing someone zest lemons with great dedication and precision can be a fascinating experience. The new girl at work took lemon zest to a whole new level, showcasing the meticulousness of kitchen staff.

15. Dealing with Unexpected Disasters

Disasters can strike at the most inconvenient times, like when a buser accidentally knocks an ABC extinguisher off the wall, causing chaos. But even in these challenging moments, kitchen staff band together and go the extra mile to handle the situation.

16. Juggling Grill and Essays

Sometimes, kitchen staff face unique challenges, like having to work the grill while also writing an essay. It may seem strange, but in a fast-paced kitchen, multitasking is a necessary skill.

17. Dreaming of a Bigger Kitchen

As restaurants grow and become more popular, kitchen space becomes a precious commodity. Kitchen staff often find themselves longing for a bigger kitchen to accommodate their culinary ambitions.

18. Special Requests and Allergic Reactions

In the world of food service, accommodating special dietary needs is essential. Kitchen staff are well-versed in the art of substitutions and modifications. They understand that some customers may have allergies, like being allergic to onions, and are happy to create alternate dishes to ensure everyone’s satisfaction.

19. The Great Pot Debacle

In the midst of a busy day, it’s not uncommon for random kitchen mishaps to occur. Like when the foot of a stove gave out, causing a pot to spill everywhere. It may seem comical in hindsight, but in the moment, it’s all hands on deck to clean up the mess.

20. The Tattooed Burger Diagram

Sometimes, kitchen staff take their dedication to their work to a whole new level. Like the cook who loved their boss’s burger diagram so much that they had it tattooed on their leg. It’s a testament to the unique camaraderie and passion found in kitchens everywhere.

These are just a few examples of the strange but completely normal things that happen in the world of kitchen staff. If you have any crazy experiences from your own job, we invite you to share them in the comments. Let’s engage in some cathartic storytelling and celebrate the quirks that make our workplaces special.