Have you ever found a strange object and wondered what it is?

If you’ve ever come across a bizarre item and had no clue about its purpose, you’re not alone. Many people have been in the same situation, seeking answers for their odd finds. Thanks to the supportive community on the What is this Thing? subreddit, individuals have found closure and satisfaction in identifying these mysterious objects.

A Learning Tool for Schoolkids

One of the intriguing objects posted on the subreddit was a wooden box filled with color swatches. Upon investigation, it was revealed that this box is called a Montessori Color Box—a tool designed to aid the learning process for young schoolchildren.

A Handle for Nasal Surgeries

Another puzzling item turned out to be a universal handle for a surgical instrument called a rongeur. Primarily used for nasal surgeries, this handle plays a key role in securely attaching and locking various components of the instrument together.

Unveiling the Purpose of Downspouts

Curious about peculiar attachments on buildings, one curious redditor received an answer after extensive research. These structures, when found on roofs or interior spaces, actually serve as exit points for downspouts or drain spouts.

Keeping Bed Bugs at Bay

Intriguing little devices attached to zippers were identified as protective measures against bed bugs and other pests. Bed bugs tend to enter bedding through zippers, and these attachments work to prevent their unwelcome intrusion.

Exploring Historic Artillery

A fascinating discovery involved an unexploded artillery round, specifically a 155. While initially alarming, the situation was handled safely by the bomb squad.

The Mystery of Heavy Widgets Solved

Another enigma was the identification of heavy widgets with numbers on them. These objects were revealed to be screw machine cold heading punches, with the initials indicating the manufacturer as Wrentham Tool.

Remnants of a Bygone Era

Exploring an abandoned area, some stone buildings were identified as water towers, once essential for replenishing steam engine tanks and tenders when trains were still running through the region.

A Tool for Milk Extraction

A perplexing tool turned out to be a device used in milking cows. While avoiding gory details, the purpose of this tool is to make a cow’s udders more accessible during the milking process.

Unraveling the Purpose of Intricate Drawings

Intricate drawings were discovered to be plans for a medical or veterinary device known as a trocar. This device consists of an awl for piercing, a hollow tube for fluid extraction, and a seal to prevent leakage.

Measuring Depth and Height

A large wooden object resembling a plumb bob was found to be a measuring tool. By suspending it from a string, the depth or height of an object can be determined.

A Button from the Past

An obsolete panic button for a burglar alarm was found in an older apartment. Though it may no longer function, it’s best not to press it just to be safe.

Tracing the Origins of Old Machinery

Journeying up a mountain, remnants of an old sluice machine were encountered. These machines were once used to separate copper from other materials but are now too large to be transported back down

The Simplicity of Pewter Charms

In some cases, simplicity is the answer. Certain pewter charms were found to represent peace, love, and happiness, serving as symbolic reminders.

A Pin for Convenient Matches

A peculiar pin was identified as a match holder, making it accessible when pinned to a shirt. The metal sheath also doubles as a match handle.

A Nostalgic Flower Arranging Device

Before foam or gels became popular, florists used glass objects known as flower frogs to hold flowers in place. These devices offered stability and support for floral arrangements.

Nature’s Colors Revealed

Vibrant and colorful ponds were uncovered, each serving as evaporation sites. The minerals being mined in the area, particularly potash, contribute to the vivid hues displayed.

Tracing Computer Technology’s Roots

Exploring the history of computers, an old punch card was found. Punch cards were precursors to modern computer code and were used by early computers to read and execute commands.

Anecdote of an Old-School Hand Warmer

Discovering an ancient pocket hand warmer brought a touch of nostalgia. Composed of a coal rod, the user would light it in the middle, close the box, and place it in their pocket for warmth.

The Mystery of the Seed Pod

Finally, an unexpected find of a seed pod in a frozen meal left many puzzled. While organic, how it ended up in a packaged meal remains a mystery.

Embracing curiosity and the power of community, the What is this Thing? subreddit continues to shed light on the unknown, offering a space for individuals to come together and solve the mysteries of the unfamiliar.