For as long as we can remember, there have been people who caused problems and complained for almost any reason. We never really had a name for them but now, we often refer to them as Karens.

At one point, it was a privilege to be called by that name but today, it means that you are not playing nice with others. Sometimes, a Karen will even ruin a fun time for others, but they also get their just deserts on occasion.

In the following 30 stories, we read about Karen’s, and their male counterparts, who got what was coming to them. Read the stories with glee.

Pizza Shop Poetic Justice

Worked at a pizza shop as a delivery driver when I was younger. The shop was owned by three (extremely polite, professional, and hard-working) Russian men, two brothers and a cousin. I delivered an order right down the street, barely a tenth of a mile away.

The guy who ordered came out fuming about one of the owners’ heavy accent, ranting about not understanding ‘what the f**k he’s saying’. I let my boss know. The owner picked up the phone and called Mr. Mean directly, stating, ‘If you don’t like the way I speak, order from somewhere else.’ He ended it perfectly with, ‘Do you understand my English now?’

Call Center Clash

Back in my college days, I worked part-time at a cellphone company’s call center. Many calls were about billing issues, frequently from people with terrible credit who often failed to pay on time.

One lady in particular called, absolutely livid that her service had been suspended due to unpaid bills. After my patient explanation, she exploded about how her business was suffering because of her phone being off. I snapped and told her that even as a part-time working student, I had a better credit score and paid my bill on time.

The raging Karen demanded my supervisor, who—after hearing the nonsense—told her off, doubled down on the need to pay her bills, and hung up on her. Best moment of my call center career.

Coupon Catastrophe

At a Bed, Bath & Beyond, an elderly lady held up the line with a pile of expired coupons, demanding they be accepted. A guy behind her with a New England accent quipped, ‘Just show em’ yer special privileges card.’

When she said she didn’t have one, he replied, ‘Do you think that’s because you don’t have special privileges?’ Cue everyone in line laughing uproariously. The lady shamefully walked out, and the clever guy behind her got a 50% discount. Legendary.

FAA Call Karen

As a pilot, I had an emergency landing and needed to speak to the FAA while boarding a commercial flight. A Karen behind me protested my phone use, threatening to report me to the FAA. I cooly explained I was already on the phone with them.

Her look of disbelief was priceless.

Parking Lot Legends

An ex-military coworker with a prosthetic leg was berated by a woman for parking in a handicapped spot. Stone-faced, he listened, then calmly removed his leg and handed it to her. Karen was left speechless.

Auntie Fat-Insult

After having a baby, my aunt commented on my weight gain, saying I’d ‘let myself go.’ I shot back with, ‘Gee, Auntie. You’ve gotten so old. Has life been hard?’ That shut her up.

Roller Coaster Retribution

Some teens cut in front of us at a new roller coaster. I ratted them out just before boarding, and they were thrown out of the line. Satisfaction achieved.

Crosswalk Karma

Slammed on my brakes at a crosswalk for a family I didn’t initially see. The woman behind me, focused on yelling at me, crashed into the car ahead. Instant karma.

Bird Droppings Drama

During the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, my neighbor accused my kid of putting ‘white stuff’ on her car. It was bird droppings. The cops arrived just in time to see it happening. I walked inside, holding my laughing kid.

Goodbye, Rude Customer

A male Karen constantly berated us for network issues. When he started copying fake newspaper emails in his rants, my boss canceled his account and told him good riddance. The office cheered.

Restaurant Owner Showdown

At an upscale steakhouse, a lady yelled at a young waiter. The owner, dressed like a cowboy, made her publicly apologize or face ejection. She complied, tail between her legs.

Manager Revelation

I love the ‘I demand to speak to the manager’ gag. Walk away, come back, tell them they’re already talking to the manager, and promptly ask them to leave. It’s chef’s kiss satisfying.

Bus Brawl Avoidance

On a crowded bus, an old guy barged on, yelling. A teenage girl pushed him off, declaring, ‘There’s no room for you here!’ Hero of the day.

Campus Parking Justice

My friend Marcia watched a student park in a faculty spot. After being flipped off, she called security who ticketed the student. Marcia later rejected the student’s appeal with a big grin.

Wine Bar Win

At a wine bar, my manager kicked out a rude lady and banned her after she left a scathing review. Other customers cheered the decision.

Dairy Queen Debacle

As a Dairy Queen worker, I gave the wrong change twice. A dad made a hurtful comment to his son about why you need to go to college. His son later called him out by saying, ‘That was mean.’ Dad apologized. Core memory unlocked.

Drunken Dismissal

In a sub shop, a drunk customer messed up his order and made a mess. The owner vaulted the counter and used the guy’s head as a battering ram to throw him out. Spectacular!

Makeup Meltdown

A Karen accused me of scaring her daughter with my makeup. I suggested a compromise: I’d remove my makeup if she removed her mask. She hit me, got escorted out in cuffs. Perfect.

Subway Strife

At Subway, a guy threw a fit over an expired coupon. Cops were called, and I got a free sub for staying calm amid the chaos.

Cake Order Chaos

At a bakery, a woman with open coffee mug yelled about our policies. She stormed out, heading to the other location, only to find them too full to take her order. Sweet karma.

Door-Holding Drama

My brother held a door open for older ladies. One yelled about sexism, to which he calmly replied, ‘I’m not. I’m holding it because of your age.’

Cart Collection Clash

As a cart collector, a woman yelled at me to bring her a cart when she was standing next to several. I ignored her and she complained about ‘the rude cart boy.’

Fishing Citation

While fly-fishing legally, a woman harassed us. She got cited by the Department of Natural Resources. Legal win for us!

Hotel Lobby Hilarity

At a hotel, a man berated the receptionist over a minor issue. He left, walked into a window, and everyone laughed. Justice served.

Parking Space Plight

At a pizza shop, an older guy complained someone parked too close. The person replied, ‘Go make a Facebook post about it!’ Brilliant retort.

Drugstore Duel

At a drugstore, a guy tried to cut me in line, causing a scene. He demanded a fight outside. By the time I exited, he was in cuffs, thrown in a cop car. Sweet justice.

McDonald’s Manipulation

At McDonald’s, Karens would leave tables and demand free food upon return. One Karen flew into a rage when we refused. My coworker told her off perfectly.

Fishmonger Finale

On my last shift at a supermarket, a snooty woman demanded quick service while I was filleting salmon. I informed her it wasn’t going to happen, as I had already clocked out. She exploded with rage, and I walked off triumphantly.

Barista’s Revenge

As a barista, a rude regular complained to my boss. One day, I finally refused her service and sent her straight to my boss. She left without her usual coffee and a lot of attitude. Sweet victory!