Did you know that cloves, those aromatic flower buds, have been used in Asia for over 2000 years for their medicinal and culinary properties? Since their arrival in Europe in the Middle Ages, cloves have gained popularity and are now just as famous as pepper. In fact, 95% of global clove production is used to make Indonesian cigarettes, even though they are highly valued as a spice.

But why are cloves so special? First, the clove tree is delicate and only starts bearing fruit around its eighth year of existence. And here’s a fun fact: the flower buds are harvested just before the petals appear, which explains their limited availability.

Now, let’s dive into the incredible benefits of cloves:

1. Soothe Digestive Problems

If you’re struggling with stomach aches or bloating, a cup of clove infusion might do the trick. Simply steep 4 or 5 cloves in boiling water for about ten minutes, and enjoy this soothing drink. It’s a natural remedy that can help relieve various digestive disorders.

2. Freshen Your Breath

Say goodbye to bad breath by simply sucking on a clove. Not only will it freshen your breath, but it also offers dental health benefits. Clove is often used in toothpastes and mouthwashes because it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. By incorporating cloves into your oral hygiene routine, you can prevent dental problems and maintain fresh breath throughout the day.

3. Relieve Dental Pain

Did you know that the compound eugenol found in cloves is an excellent antiseptic for dental problems and sore gums? Eugenol acts on peripheral opioid receptors, which are nerve endings responsible for pain perception. To relieve dental or gum pain, you can use an oily maceration in mouthwash or a mother tincture containing cloves. However, if the pain persists or becomes intense, it’s important to consult a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

4. Ease Muscle and Rheumatic Pain

If you suffer from muscle, joint, or rheumatic pain, a massage oil infused with clove can bring relief. Clove has anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease pain. To create your own pain-relieving massage oil, mix approximately 10 drops of clove essential oil with 30 ml of a vegetable oil like jojoba or sweet almond. Apply this blend to the painful areas through gentle massage three times a day, and you should experience relief within 48 hours.

5. Boost Immunity and Prevent Colds

Clove essential oil is not only a powerful antiviral, but it also has antibacterial properties that can help protect you from winter infections like the flu and common cold. You can dilute 1 to 2 drops of clove essential oil in a teaspoon of olive oil and consume it before a meal. Alternatively, you can dissolve 1 to 2 drops of clove essential oil on a sugar cube and let it dissolve under your tongue before a meal. Incorporate this technique into your routine one to three times a day for up to a week to harness the benefits of clove.

6. Soothe UTIs and Kidney Stones

If you’re dealing with a urinary tract infection or kidney stones, a clove-infused infusion can provide relief. For added effectiveness, you can also add a drop (but no more) of lavender essential oil. However, keep in mind that it’s essential to seek medical attention if you have a urinary tract infection to receive appropriate treatment.

By incorporating these simple tips into your life, you can take advantage of the incredible benefits of cloves. From soothing digestion to refreshing breath and relieving pain, cloves are a versatile spice with a whole host of health benefits.