When a man and a teenage girl boarded their flight from Seattle to San Francisco, something didn’t feel right to Alaska Airline flight attendant Shelia Frederick. The man seemed well-dressed, while the girl appeared disheveled and avoided making eye contact with anyone. Shelia’s instincts told her that something was amiss.

Refusing to ignore her suspicions, Shelia devised a courageous plan to help the young girl. While carrying out her regular duties on the plane, Shelia attempted to make eye contact with the girl, hoping to communicate that help was available. She even shared her concerns with a fellow crew member, who agreed to assist in distracting the man.

Finally, the young girl looked up, her eyes conveying a heartbreaking plea for help. Overwhelmed with emotion, Shelia excused herself and went to the back of the plane, where she broke down. But she didn’t give up.

Shelia’s ingenious plan involved leaving a piece of paper and a pencil in one of the plane’s bathrooms. She discreetly locked the door, intending to unlock it only for the girl. Through gestures and facial expressions, Shelia signaled to the girl that she should go to the bathroom.

Thankfully, the girl seized the opportunity and excused herself to use the bathroom, with the man staying close by. Shelia remained vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on the situation. Inside the bathroom, the girl found the note that Shelia had left, and she urgently wrote back the three words that confirmed her dire need for help: “I need help.”

With this critical information, Shelia alerted the pilot, who promptly contacted ground control to coordinate the interception of the man upon landing. Thanks to Shelia’s quick thinking and bravery, the young girl was saved from a potentially dangerous situation.

Shelia Frederick’s heroic actions didn’t end there. Over the years, she maintained contact with the young woman she rescued from the clutches of human trafficking. Their bond grew stronger, and they have spoken several times since the incident. The remarkable survivor is now even attending college, a testament to her resilience and the impact of Shelia’s intervention.

Shelia hopes that this inspiring story will encourage others to trust their instincts and speak out if they notice something suspicious. She reminds us all to be vigilant and to help those in need.

Please share this remarkable story to raise awareness, appreciate the brave and wonderful Shelia Frederick, and remind everyone that we can make a difference by putting our instincts into action.

Watch the full interview with Shelia Frederick here: