Just when you thought the adventures of the Irwin family couldn’t get any more thrilling, a recent video emerged showing Robert Irwin, the 18-year-old son of the late Steve Irwin, coming dangerously close to being attacked by a saltwater crocodile named Casper. The heart-stopping incident took place at Australia Zoo during feeding time, and it left everyone, especially Robert’s mother Terri, in a state of shock.

Terri Irwin, who tragically lost her husband Steve in 2006, reportedly reacted with horror when she saw how close Robert had come to a potentially fatal end. The grief of Steve’s passing was rekindled for Terri as she worried about her son following in his father’s footsteps, working with dangerous animals. She wishes they weren’t so alike sometimes.

In the distressing footage, Casper, a rare “leucistic” saltwater crocodile, can be seen charging at Robert. With jaws wide open, the crocodile had abandoned its meal in favor of pursuing the teenager. In a desperate plea to his fellow zookeepers, Robert shouted, “Bail, bail, bail!” as he narrowly escaped the croc’s jaws.

The heart-pounding escape was captured in the season finale of the reality show “Crikey!” and shared on social media by Robert himself. The video showcases the incredible bond between humans and animals, while also highlighting the potential dangers associated with working so closely with wildlife.

Casper, the leucistic crocodile, is a unique specimen in the animal kingdom. Unlike other crocodiles, his reduced dark skin pigmentation gives him a lighter, almost white appearance. The Australia Zoo team suggests that his unusual coloring indicates that he would have been an easy target for predators in the wild. Moreover, Casper is also known to be one of the most aggressive crocodiles they have ever encountered.

However, despite his aggressive nature, Casper has found a companion in Wendy, a female saltwater crocodile who shares the same condition. Together, they form an extraordinary couple and continue to captivate visitors at the zoo with their striking appearance and captivating behavior.

Watch the video below to witness the heart-stopping encounter between Robert Irwin and Casper the crocodile. Don’t forget to share this incredible story if you’re a fan of the Irwin family and their dedication to wildlife conservation!