A heartwarming story has emerged from California, US, where a young girl named Madeline had her imaginative request for a unicorn granted by the authorities. Madeline, being quite aware of the responsibilities that come with caring for animals, wrote to the local authority in Los Angeles County, seeking their approval to have a unicorn in her backyard, should she be lucky enough to find one.

In a letter expressing her thoughtful consideration for responsible pet ownership, Madeline wrote, “Dear LA County, I would like your approval if I can have a unicorn in my backyard if I can find one.”

Marcia Mayeda, the Director of the county Department of Animal Care and Control, recognized Madeline’s sense of responsibility and commended her for seeking permission in advance. She expressed gratitude to Madeline for showing people the importance of providing a loving home to animals.

The heartwarming story was shared by the department on social media, spreading joy among its readers. The post mentioned, “This brought us so much JOY so we thought we should share with everyone. Madeline wrote us a letter requesting permission to have a unicorn in her backyard if she could find one. It is always rewarding to hear from young people who thoughtfully consider the requirements of providing a loving home to animals.”

The public responded with overwhelming positivity, thanking the department for their response to Madeline. One person commented, “This is such a wonderful response to Madeline. Thank you to the government workers who delighted this child, her family, and this reader.”

While this heartwarming tale brings a smile to our faces, it’s important to remember that taking care of magical creatures like unicorns requires effort. Madeline will need to ensure that the ancient animal receives adequate exposure to sunlight, rainbows, and moonbeams. Additionally, she will have to polish its horn with a soft cloth once a month. It is crucial that she provides a careful diet of watermelon and only uses nontoxic and biodegradable glitter, if desired.

To further encourage Madeline’s love for unicorns, the Department of Animal Care and Control will be providing her with a unicorn pictured below, as she continues her search. They praised Madeline for her responsible pet ownership mindset and issued her a preapproved unicorn license.

This heartwarming story exemplifies the joy that comes from children who consider the well-being and happiness of animals. Madeline’s journey in finding her dream unicorn continues, and we applaud her for her love and dedication to animals. Thank you, Madeline, for reaching out to the department and reminding us of the magic that can exist in our lives.