Fiona Horsey Rivadeneira, a 43-year-old woman from Surrey, is realizing her dream of building her own house. Together with her husband Juan Carlos, 46, they embarked on an exciting project in the mountains of Colombia. They found the perfect spot for their home on a mountainside and decided to build it using recycled shipping containers. Despite facing challenges, such as transporting the containers up the mountain, Fiona and Juan Carlos are overjoyed with the finished result, which cost them only £52,000.

For the same price, you could currently buy just one car parking space in a multi-story car park in London. Fiona, a mother of two, recalls how people doubted their decision to use containers for their home. However, their doubts quickly vanished when they witnessed the amazing transformation. Fiona shared, “Now when they see the transformation, they say wow.”

Spearheading the renovations herself, Fiona began the project in June 2020. The house was built on the site of another house that had collapsed after a flood. She oversaw the builders, bought materials, and organized everything. Fiona felt completely in her element during this building phase, saying, “I loved it. I felt in my element and I learned so much.”

Fiona’s fascination with containers and passion for reuse and recycling led her to choose this unique building material. She explained, “I have always had a fascination for containers and would look at pictures and ideas online. I love reusing and recycling, seeing something transform into something else that is useful, and I love their shape and adaptability.”

Though there were some minor setbacks and regrets along the way, Fiona and her family are incredibly happy with their new home. Fiona mentioned the aspects of the house she loves the most, including her spacious bedroom with its big windows offering beautiful views, as well as the terraces. The family is still working on completing the project, with more terrace roofs, glass coverings, curtains, closets, and gardens to add to the container home.

Building a dream home from recycled shipping containers was a challenging yet rewarding experience for Fiona and Juan Carlos. They have proven that with determination and creativity, it’s possible to create a beautiful and affordable living space. Their story is an inspiration for anyone looking to build their own unique home.