Brave girl, 11, is first person in UK to beat rare cancer after leg amputation

Jeanie-May Cooke, an 11-year-old schoolgirl, has made history by becoming the first person in the UK to overcome a rare cancer thanks to an innovative new treatment. In 2017, Jeanie-May was diagnosed with leukaemia and histiocytic sarcoma, which had spread to her lungs, kidneys, and liver by the following year. Despite being told that there were limited options available, her mother, Katie Hannaford, pushed for a groundbreaking drug called Trametinib, which was being trialled in the USA. Miraculously, after 54 months of treatment, Jeanie-May is now cancer-free.

The popular schoolgirl loves to perform

Expressing her gratitude, Jeanie-May remarked, “The people who donate their bone marrow so that people like me can have a transplant are amazing. I do not know who they are, but I am very pleased and thankful for their donation.” Katie, her mother, passionately advocated for the new drug, stating, “Remember, when somebody says you can’t do it, there is always a first person that can. She is that first person. Never give up hope. Fight with your all, dream big, and achieve bigger. Jeanie has proved them all wrong.”

The 11-year-old is now cancer free, to the joy of her family and friends

Jeanie-May, who had her right leg amputated due to complications with leukaemia in 2018, is now cancer-free. To celebrate her incredible journey, a big birthday bash has been planned for August 20, where she will ring a significant bell to announce her recovery and express gratitude to all those who have supported her. Her resilience and determination have inspired her to pursue her dream of setting up her own Cookies Creams business, aspiring to be an ice-cream lady.

The young girl’s compelling story has gained recognition, and her oncology doctor at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Dan Yeomanson, is writing a medical paper on Jeanie-May and her victorious fight against cancer. Katie joyfully shared how she has witnessed her daughter return to a normal childhood, which she once thought would be impossible. Jeanie-May, now attending Havelock Academy, eagerly jumps out of bed every morning, ready to take on the day.

The brave youngster lost her leg following complications with leukaemia

The importance of organ donors and generous individuals cannot be overstated. Their selfless acts have saved countless lives, including Jeanie-May’s. She is deeply appreciative of the support she has received and finds joy in reading the heartwarming messages on Facebook. With a bright smile from ear to ear, she appreciates the care and encouragement from the many people who believe in her.

Jeanie-May harbours an ambition to become an ice-cream seller

Jeanie-May’s story is an incredible testament to the power of determination, hope, and breakthrough treatments. It serves as an inspiration for others facing similar challenges and reinforces the message that, with perseverance and support, anyone can overcome the seemingly impossible.