Mikita, then named Natasha, before being adopted

Adopting a rescue dog can be a life-changing experience, both for the dog and the person who opens their heart and home to them. One woman, Jessi Sova, recently had this extraordinary experience when she took in a neglected dog named Natasha. Little did she know, this would not only nurse Natasha back to health but also reveal her true breed.

Natasha, a husky mix, was rescued by LightShine Canine, a dedicated organization that rescues stray and unwanted dogs. When Jessi first saw her, Natasha was in a terrible condition. She was recovering from mange, parasites, and malnutrition. It was heartbreaking to see such a sweet and innocent dog in such a state.

Mikita shortly after arriving at her new home

Moved by her condition, Jessi decided to foster Natasha. The goal was to find her a forever home where she could receive the love and care she deserved. And it didn’t take long for Jessi and her family to fall in love with Natasha. Despite her cautious nature and the pain she experienced from her previous neglect, Natasha showered them with love and affection.

Jessi with her rescue dog Mikita

With the support and dedication of her new family, Natasha, now renamed Mikita, started to regain her health and strength. Her fur grew back, and Jessi could finally see her true breed. Mikita’s personality also began to shine through, with her adorable quirks and demands, making them all laugh and cherish her even more.

However, Mikita’s journey didn’t end there. She experienced back pain, which led Jessi to take her to a chiropractor. It was discovered that Mikita had discospondylitis, a treatable condition that required antibiotics for a short period. With the treatment, Mikita’s pain improved, her energy increased, and she became more confident in her movements.

Mikita and Kane snuggling up together

Today, Mikita is unrecognizable from the neglected dog she once was. She weighs a healthy 52 pounds, her fur is long and beautiful, and her playful personality delights everyone around her. She loves having visitors and enjoys the simple pleasures of ear rubs.

Mikita’s transformation is a testament to the power of love, care, and dedication. It shows that with patience and understanding, even the most neglected dog can find happiness and become a cherished member of a loving family.