Lily Bullen, a spirited great-grandmother, recently celebrated her 102nd birthday in style. She believes that her love for life, along with her unconventional habits, have contributed to her long and happy years. Lily’s secret recipe? A shot of tequila, a slice of Domino’s pizza, a Greggs sausage roll, and the indulgence of cream cakes.

Despite her age, Lily is always up for adventure. On her 99th birthday, she even tried ice-skating for the first time! She truly knows how to have a good time and never turns down a celebration. Her positive outlook on life has undoubtedly played a significant role in her longevity.

Lily’s birthday was celebrated with family and friends at Breme House in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. With three children, five grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren, Lily’s life is full of love and cherished moments.

Lily’s granddaughter, Holly West, shared, “Her favorite pastime is watching her great-grandchildren play. At 99 years old, she went ice skating for the first time and loved it! During her surprise 100th birthday party, she even took a tequila shot. She also enjoyed Jägerbombs and tequila shots at our wedding in 2013.”

In these challenging times, Lily finds solace in reminiscing about the past while living in the present. She believes in taking life one day at a time, fully embracing each moment since tomorrow is never promised.