Sarah went to hospital after she noticed a bit of 'unusual discharge'

Lucas Chialton-Helliar, a true miracle baby, has defied the odds and is finally at home with his family. At just 23 weeks gestation, he had only a 15% chance of survival, but this little fighter has proven that miracles do happen.

Lucas’s journey began when his mother, Sarah Chialton, noticed some unusual discharge. Concerned, she immediately sought medical advice. To her surprise, she was already in early labor and was rushed to Liverpool Women’s Hospital.

The tot was the size of a "biro pen" when he was delivered

Doctors informed Sarah that if Lucas was to survive delivery, his chances of survival were slim, with only a 15% survival rate in the first few weeks of life. Despite the grim prognosis, Sarah and her baby remained resilient.

Lucas made his entrance into the world at just 23 weeks and four days, weighing a mere 1lb 3oz. His tiny size captivated everyone’s hearts; he was compared to the size of a “biro pen.”

During his 142-day stay in the hospital, Lucas faced numerous challenges. He battled through six infections, sepsis, two collapsed lungs, and received several blood transfusions. The strength and determination of this little fighter amazed everyone who cared for him.

Lucas weighed 1lb 3oz when he was born and spent 142 days in hospital

On March 6th, Lucas was discharged from Liverpool Women’s Hospital. He was only four months old but had already achieved so much. Sarah and her family couldn’t have been more grateful for the amazing care they received from the neonatal staff.

Lucas’s journey has been nothing short of miraculous. Despite the unknown cause of Sarah’s early labor, this little boy has defied all odds. Now four months old and weighing 8lbs, Lucas is thriving and doing exceptionally well at home.

Sarah shared her story in the hope of inspiring and bringing comfort to other mothers who may find themselves in a similar situation. She wants them to know that even in the darkest times, there is always a glimmer of hope.

Sarah’s message to other moms is clear: “There is light at the end of it all, and you are not alone.”

Lucas was discharged from Liverpool Women's Hospital on March 6

Lucas’s journey reminds us that miracles can happen, even in the most challenging circumstances. We celebrate this little warrior and send our heartfelt thanks to the incredible staff at Liverpool Women’s Hospital for their unwavering care and support.