Niamh Lewis

Niamh Lewis, an incredible eight-year-old girl from Glyncorrwg, South Wales, faced adversity at a young age when she started losing her hair at just three years old. Alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss, left her without hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Unfortunately, this also made her a target for school bullies and strangers on the street who stared and made cruel comments. But Niamh, with her unwavering determination and courage, refused to let this bring her down. Instead, she chose to embrace her unique appearance.

Niamh’s supportive mother, Amy, couldn’t be prouder of her daughter’s resilience and positive outlook. She describes Niamh as “confident in her own skin” and “an inspiration to us all.” Despite facing hurtful remarks from bullies and unkind comments from strangers, Niamh has decided to stop wearing her wig out and about. She even signed up with several modelling agencies, using her platform to support and empower other women and girls with alopecia.

Niamh Lewis

Alopecia is a condition that can be temporary or permanent. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. This can be caused by genetic factors, hormonal changes, or medical conditions. It remains uncertain whether Niamh’s hair will ever grow back. She first started losing patches of hair at three years old, even though she was born with a full head of hair and had long locks as a toddler. The hair loss became more noticeable when she turned five.

Amy recalls the journey: “It started with three patches, and Niamh didn’t even notice. The hair grew back, but eventually, it became more noticeable. By the summer holidays, it was all gone.” Niamh had a positive perspective, telling her mom that if her body needs hair, it will grow it. They decided to go with the flow and embrace the journey. Amy admits that as a mother, she found the loss of Niamh’s hair difficult to accept. She worried about her daughter’s future, especially as a girl without hair. She often wondered how others would treat her.

When Niamh initially lost her hair, she received a wig from The Little Princess Trust, a charity that provides free wigs to children suffering from hair loss. However, Niamh soon realized that wearing a wig wasn’t the right option for her. Amy did extensive research and tried different solutions, including scarves and accessories, but Niamh preferred to go without anything on her head. They focused on the positives, like the freedom to play and swim without the hassle of a wig, never allowing the hair loss to define Niamh.

Unfortunately, Niamh and her family had to deal with constant stares and assumptions from adults who mistakenly believed that her hair loss was due to illness. Amy says, “Kids would call her ‘baldy,’ and some girls refused to play with her. Wherever we go, people stare. They assume she has cancer or a terminal illness. Now that she’s older, she can explain to people that she isn’t sick, and I try to reassure others that she’s perfectly fine. But strangers have hugged me, cried, and even given Niamh money or sweets.”

Despite the challenges, Niamh and her mother have decided against pursuing medical interventions to stop the hair loss. Amy believes that it would be too much for Niamh to undergo treatments such as steroid injections or creams, considering the possible side effects and impact on Niamh’s overall well-being. Instead, they focus on what feels right for Niamh as an individual.

Niamh’s passion for modelling led her to sign up with various modelling agencies. Amy aspires to see better representation of individuals with alopecia in mainstream modelling, and Niamh is leading the way with her natural beauty and confidence in front of the camera. To connect with others living with the condition, Niamh has also created an Instagram page. Both Niamh and Amy actively support Alopecia UK, an organization dedicated to raising awareness and providing support for those affected. Amy hopes to establish the first support group for alopecia in Wales, offering a safe space for individuals to share their experiences and find comfort.

Niamh’s story of courage and resilience is truly inspiring. She reminds us all to embrace our unique qualities and celebrate our individuality. Despite the challenges she has faced, Niamh continues to shine bright and serve as an inspiration to others. We can all learn from her strength and unwavering confidence.