Court letter

In a beautiful gesture that has touched the hearts of many, a family court judge in Western Australia has shown exceptional kindness and compassion by granting a fostered boy’s request to adopt his beloved teddy bears. The judge took it upon themselves to send a mock legal letter to the seven-year-old, formally granting the adoption under the whimsical ‘International Teddy Act 1908’.

The heartfelt letter reads, “Before a Teddy in chambers… Application having been made under the International Teddy Act 1908 for an adoption order in relation to a hug of teddies known as Mr Denham, Baby Denham, Brown Bear, Bamboo, Special Teddy Jnr and Tiny who reside in… Western Australia. It is ordered that [they] be adopted by [the boy] to be treated lovingly as child and teddies.”

Social media was abuzz with admiration and appreciation for the judge’s thoughtful response. When the picture of the court’s letter was shared on Twitter, it garnered thousands of likes and hundreds of comments. Users were quick to praise the judge for bringing joy to not just the boy and his teddies, but also to the entire Twitter community. One user said, “That judge made five teddy bears, one boy, and lots and lots of people on Twitter very happy. A generous and imaginative spirit is a wonderful thing.” Another commented, “A judge who is able to see the humanity beneath bureaucratic rules.” The heartwarming story even brought tears to the eyes of a third user, who said, “As someone who was adopted as a child, this just made 42-year-old me cry. This is really awesome.”

This inspiring tale reminds us of the profound impact small acts of kindness can have on individuals and communities. It also serves as a reminder that there is always room for hope and heartwarming stories, even in the midst of challenging circumstances.