Pasang and Ei-chan

A new mum has achieved an incredible feat by conquering a deadly 6,000m peak to serve as an inspiration for her two-year-old son. Pasang Lhamu Sherpa Akita, 37, is a highly skilled climber who has successfully summited Mount Everest and K2. In 2016, she was recognized as National Geographic’s Adventurer of the Year.

Pasang faced significant challenges on her journey to success. In Sherpa culture, climbing is traditionally considered a male activity, and she often encountered discouragement and criticism. Despite being told that “she shouldn’t be with men and climbing that rock,” Pasang persevered.

When Pasang became a mother to her first child, Ei-chan Nurbu, she faced new obstacles. Society expected her to stay at home and take care of her child, as it was seen as the mother’s duty. However, Pasang was determined to inspire her son and demonstrate the importance of following one’s dreams. Therefore, on Ei-chan’s second birthday, November 14, 2019, she successfully summited Cholatse – a 6,440m mountain in the Everest region.

Pasang and Ei-chan

Pasang shared, “I learned many valuable lessons from my mother. She raised two children as a single parent and never had the opportunity to attend school. Witnessing her strength inspired me greatly. I have immense respect for all mothers because they are resilient and always there for their children. They often sacrifice their own dreams for the sake of their children. However, I believe that everyone has the right to pursue their dreams and live a fulfilling life.”

After flying to Lukla, the gateway to the Everest region, Pasang embarked on the challenging climb to the summit of Cholatse. Her husband, Tora Akita, stayed at the basecamp to take care of their child. Pasang expressed that the decision was difficult since she loved her family, but she knew that both giving birth and climbing mountains were arduous endeavors with rewards and happiness waiting at the end.

Pasang completed the climb with her companions Panuru Sherpa, Scott Simper, Lhakpa Gyaljen Sherpa, Tenging Sherpa, and Cira Crowell. Her remarkable journey is featured in the film “Dream Mountain,” directed by Cira Crowell, presently being screened across the UK as part of the Banff Mountain Film Festival.

Cholatse, a 6,446m mountain in the Khumbu region of the Nepalese Himalaya

What do you think of Pasang’s inspiring feat? Share your thoughts in the comments below.