Lizzy and Nikki at work together

Love has a funny way of finding us, even in the most unexpected places. For Lizzy and Nikki, their unique love story began in the back of an ambulance while working together in Northampton. Despite their first encounter being a bit awkward, it was love at first sight for Lizzy.

After a series of email exchanges about work-related matters, they finally had their first face-to-face conversation when Nikki was helping Lizzy with her uniform. Feeling a bit flustered, Lizzy accidentally dropped her trousers right then and there, much to her embarrassment. They still laugh about it to this day.

Lizzy and Nikki outside of their ambulance campervan

Although they didn’t speak again for over a year, fate brought them back together when they were assigned to the same shift. It was during this shift that Lizzy mustered up the courage to express her feelings for Nikki. To her delight, Nikki felt the same way and had even Googled Lizzy during their email exchanges.

Their romance blossomed from that moment on. They started messaging each other regularly, asking to be assigned to the same shifts. In 2016, just a few days after they began seeing each other, they went on their first date at the Warner Bros. Studios, exploring The Making of Harry Potter exhibition. Both self-proclaimed nerds, they bonded over their love for all things Harry Potter and their extensive collection of memorabilia.

Not only did their love for each other grow, but their love for ambulances did too. As part of their ambulance collection, they decided to purchase a 1994 Ford Transit box body ambulance with a 3lt petrol engine. They transformed it into an adventure-ready campervan and have since traveled across the UK, with Norfolk being their favorite destination. They often stay with their paramedic friend who also has her own camper.

Their unique love story has caught the attention of Blue Light Card, a discount service for emergency workers, who featured them in a romantic round-up. Lizzy and Nikki are still in the process of finishing the exterior of their campervan but they find it perfect just the way it is.

Their ambulance holds a special place in their hearts, not just because of their jobs, but because it symbolizes their relationship and how they fell in love. While they are not officially engaged yet, Lizzy hopes to incorporate their beloved ambulance into their future wedding ceremony. They envision a full ambulance with blue lights, and one of their friends has even offered to drive it for them.

Their love story is a testament to the unexpected paths love can take. It reminds us that sometimes, the most beautiful connections are formed in the most unusual circumstances.