In a heartwarming display of intelligence and devotion, a woman named Emily Anderson has trained her beloved cocker spaniel, Leo, to perform CPR. Leo has now won the international dog trick contest six times with this impressive skill.

The incredible footage shows Leo carrying a miniature first aid box in his mouth and gently placing it next to a mannequin. Upon command, Leo checks the dummy’s ‘breathing’ by putting his own head to its lips. He then proceeds to jump on the doll’s chest repeatedly, mimicking the life-saving chest compressions, before going back to check the ‘breathing’ again. Leo’s precision and dedication are truly remarkable.

Leo jumping on the mannequin

Emily, from Aberdeen, explained that Leo learned CPR as part of a task called paw tricks for the International Trick Dog Competition. She has been training him ever since she brought him home at eight weeks old, and Leo’s ability to learn tricks in just 20 minutes constantly surprises her. He is truly a one-in-a-million dog.

Leo’s incredible CPR performance has garnered attention on social media, with the video being viewed over 38,000 times. People from all over the world have expressed their astonishment at Leo’s cleverness and skills. He truly is a canine superstar.

Emily teaches Leo a new trick every week, gradually increasing the difficulty level. Leo’s enthusiasm for training is infectious, and he falls asleep watching TV afterward, often waking himself up with his tail wagging in delight. Emily’s dedication to Leo’s training is admirable, and their bond is undeniable.

Leo checking mannequin's 'breathing'

Leo’s training journey took on a new sense of urgency after he contracted a parasite called giardia and almost died in March 2020. While he physically recovered quickly, it took longer for him to bounce back mentally, as he became anxious during lockdown. Emily realized that focusing on training would help Leo regain his happiness. Little did she know that Leo’s training would lead him to become a champion in the dog trick competition.

Leo’s story is a reminder of the incredible intelligence and devotion our furry friends possess. They are capable of more than we can even imagine. Bravo, Leo!