Working towards independence

CEO Sam and her wife Jennie Guay

Sam White, now 46, grew up in a turbulent household and always felt the need to be independent. To make ends meet as a teenager, she spent her days washing cars. This drive for self-sufficiency has stayed with her throughout her life. Speaking to the Manchester Evening News, Sam said, “Because my childhood was so unstable, I always wanted and needed to be independent. I didn’t feel like working for someone else gave me that. My future would still rely on someone else.”

Overcoming challenges

At the age of 24, Sam started her first business in her sister’s conservatory. However, she was also battling a panic disorder at the time and found solace in unhealthy eating habits. She admitted, “I suffered badly with panic attacks, four or five a day. It was a vicious cycle of me wanting comfort in junk food.” Despite her struggles, Sam achieved success in her career. But her unhealthy lifestyle continued to impact her overall well-being.

A lifestyle overhaul

Everything changed for Sam when she decided to embark on a journey of self-discovery through travelling. This “dramatic change” of scenery had a significant positive impact on her mental health. Along the way, she managed to break free from her unhealthy eating habits and transformed her body from a size 24 to a size 12.

Exercise as a solution

Now, Sam no longer suffers from panic attacks and she attributes this change to regular exercise. She explains, “It took me a few years after I got back [from travelling] to make it into something I do consistently. For me, it solves so many problems. It doesn’t have to be major, just something to get the blood pumping around the body.”

Building a business empire

Sam, Jennie, and Sam's two children from a previous marriage

Sam’s dedication and success in her personal life have also translated into her career. With her motor claims management company, Action365, reaching a steady point, she decided to take her enterprise to the next level. Sam now runs Freedom Services Group, which includes Stella Insurance, a female-centric insurance company. This year, she plans to expand Stella Insurance and launch it in the UK.

Fulfilling dreams

Sam’s journey from washing cars to heading a £20m business empire is a testament to determination and resilience. She admits, “In my wildest dreams, I wouldn’t have thought it could become the size that it has.” Sam’s success story inspires us all to pursue our dreams and strive for independence.