Schoolgirl Alyssa Dean, 11

A heartwarming story comes from Prestatyn, North Wales, where 11-year-old Alyssa Dean is making a difference in the lives of homeless people. Inspired to help those in need during the winter, Alyssa started collecting used crisp packets to create warm survival blankets for the homeless.

Alyssa’s project requires 44 crisp packets to make just one blanket. With the help of her mom, Darlene, who collects empty crisp bags at her workplace, Alyssa carefully irons the packets together to create the blankets. But it doesn’t stop there. Each blanket is set as a parcel with hats, gloves, socks, and even chocolate, ensuring that the recipients have more than just warmth during the harsh winter months.

Schoolgirl, Alyssa Dean, 11

Darlene shares, “Alyssa is very eco-conscious, and this kind of project suits her perfectly. It takes about 44 packets to make one blanket, so we’ve gone through lots of crisps to make these care packages. Each blanket takes about 45 minutes to make with the ironing and weatherproofing.”

Initially, Alyssa used her own pocket money to fund the project. However, they have since organized a successful fundraiser and raffle to support their cause, helping them stock up on the necessary items for the care parcels.

Alyssa Dean, 11

Alyssa’s dedication has resulted in over 80 care parcels being created so far. These packages will be distributed across Denbighshire, Conwy, and Flintshire, providing much-needed warmth and support to the homeless in those areas.