Breya while having treatment

In a remarkable tale of strength and resilience, a seven-year-old girl named Breya Ward from Colchester, Essex, has overcome the odds and triumphed over stage 4 cancer. Diagnosed with neuroblastoma at just 18 months old, Breya’s battle against this aggressive disease has been nothing short of inspirational. Supported by her devoted parents, Holly Robinson and Ollie Ward, and the local community, Breya underwent groundbreaking treatment in the USA, made possible by the £250,000 raised.

Three years ago, Breya achieved remission, but her journey was far from over. With the severity of her prior cancer, the family was given a disheartening prognosis – a mere 30% chance of long-term survival. Living day-to-day became the norm for Breya’s family, unable to look beyond the present. But last week, everything changed when Holly and Ollie received the incredible news that Breya was cancer-free.

Filled with joy, Holly expressed her overwhelming emotions, grateful that Breya can now look forward to a long and happy life. Reflecting on their experience, she shared how the journey made her grow as a person. Breya has shown her that anything is possible, and she continues to amaze her family with her strength.

Though there have been physical obstacles along the way, Breya’s mental strength has been an unwavering force. Holly is relieved to see her daughter enjoying the life of a typical seven-year-old, embracing a sense of normalcy.

Motivated by her daughter’s ordeal, Holly, along with her friend and qualified therapist Rachael Anderson, established The Hormone Hub. They facilitate group therapy sessions and are soon launching mindfulness classes. Drawing from her personal experience with Breya, Holly now offers pain management clinical hypnotherapy to help children coping with cancer and the side effects of chemotherapy.

Spreading Healing and HopeInspired by her healing journey with Breya, Holly has launched mindfulness classes through The Hormone Hub. Having witnessed the positive impact of practices like meditation and yoga on her daughter’s recovery, Holly is determined to offer these resources to others. Recognizing the financial barriers that prevent many individuals from accessing conventional therapy, Holly is initially offering these classes free of charge. She hopes to extend support to those from lower-income backgrounds who are in need of healing.

Breya’s story serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us all that even in the face of adversity, resilience and love can conquer the greatest challenges. Let us celebrate her remarkable journey and be inspired to spread healing and hope in our own lives.