She's chosen random objects from inside her home

January can be a bit of a downer for many people. The holiday season is over, it’s winter, and most of us are on a tight budget and trying to diet. But one creative mum is determined to brighten up this dark and dreary month for everyone. She has been dressing up in homemade costumes made from household items every day of the month. From a tub of Vanish to baked beans, toilet cleaner, Quality Street, and even a Pot Noodle, this mum-of-five is bringing joy to January with her quirky outfits.

Taking inspiration from items in other people's homes

Taryn de Vere, the creative mastermind behind these unique costumes, came up with the idea while staying home during the Christmas period to avoid the high Covid numbers. Her first outfit was a sink unblocker, and since then, her following has grown rapidly. Taryn’s rule is not to buy anything for her outfits. She tries to create costumes that she could wear all day if she wanted to, although some of the headwear can be a bit cumbersome. Despite the challenges, Taryn feels like she has found a new creative lease on life by discovering what she can do with the clothes she already has.

Starting with a carton of milk

Taryn’s project has received an overwhelming response. People tell her that the first thing they do in the morning is check her Instagram to see what she’s wearing, and it has brightened up their lives. In a world experiencing a similar reality, Taryn’s costumes bring a little bit of joy and light to people’s days. The project has opened up her mind and inspired others to find inspiration in different places and wear their clothes in unique ways.

Taryn even plans to continue into February

Taryn’s main aim in taking on this challenge was to make January a little less “grim.” She took a break from work this year to focus on creative activities. With the prevalence of the Omicron variant, she decided to avoid contact with people as much as possible for the month. Facing the prospect of being house-bound, she set herself the challenge of dressing as something in her house every day. The first costume was inspired by a bottle of sink unblocker she spotted in her ensuite.

She's covered a range of different toiletries

On the last day of the month, people from around the world will join in by dressing up as an object from their household and posting their outfits online using the hashtag #Objectdresschallenge. Taryn is excited to see everyone’s costumes and plans to continue the challenge in February, but this time she will dress as objects in other people’s houses.

She has made all the costumes from scratch

This fun and uplifting project shows that even in challenging times, there is room for creativity and joy. Taryn’s costumes remind us that inspiration can be found everywhere, and we can make our clothes and everyday items more exciting. So, let’s embrace our creativity and find delight in the little things around us.