Jo had lost her brother 10 days before the incident

It’s often said that kindness can make all the difference in someone’s life. For Jo Little, a grieving mum who had recently lost her brother, this sentiment rang true when she experienced three random acts of kindness from strangers that moved her to tears.

On December 15, Jo was shopping at Poundland in Wythenshawe, Greater Manchester when she realized her purse was missing. Already overwhelmed by the recent loss of her brother, she was forced to leave her chocolates at the till in a state of panic.

But just moments later, something incredible happened. Another woman came running out of the shop, holding the chocolates and explaining that she had paid for them herself after seeing what had happened to Jo. This simple gesture of generosity brought Jo to tears.

Filled with gratitude, Jo retraced her steps and called her bank to cancel her cards before anyone else could use them. As she visited a charity shop she had been to earlier, she was surprised to find that her purse had been handed in by a kind individual.

“I went into a couple of shops to see if my purse had been handed in. I was in bits because I didn’t know what to do. In the charity shop, I asked if a red purse had been handed in, and she said yes,” Jo recalled. “I gave her some chocolate. The relief – I just wanted to cry, if I’m honest.”

Feeling a bit more at ease, Jo stopped at a local Costa for a coffee. However, her bank card continued to give her trouble. Thankfully, another kind stranger ahead of her in the queue offered to pay for her drink.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Jo said, “I sat down and burst into tears, because it’s the logistics of trying to get all the cards sorted before John’s funeral. I do believe in paying it forward. I’m going to make a donation to the food bank this weekend.”

This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of how a small act of kindness can have a profound impact on someone’s day. It restores our faith in humanity and shows us the power of compassion.

If you have a story of kindness to share, we would love to hear it. Please email us at