The holiday season is about to become extra special for one family, as they prepare to celebrate their first Christmas with their identical triplets. It’s a truly remarkable occurrence, as the chances of having identical triplets are incredibly rare, with odds standing at just one in 200 million.

Megan and Clayton holding the triplets

Megan Smyth gave birth to her three little miracles, Colby, Odyn, and Rico, at 32+6 weeks, with each weighing less than a large bottle of ketchup. Now, at the age of nine months, they are full of life and excitement, ready to experience the joy and wonder of Christmas.

Megan and Clayton, the proud parents of the triplets, are pulling out all the stops to make their first Christmas an unforgettable one. The family has already taken the triplets to visit Santa and explore Christmas markets. Furthermore, they have recently moved into a new home, where they have embraced the festive spirit by decorating every corner.

“It was an absolute shock when we found out we were having triplets,” admits Megan. “I burst into tears, and Clayton went white as a sheet when the doctor broke the news to us. Twins do run in my family, but we never expected this. We had only been trying for six weeks.”

With their arrival, Megan and Clayton anticipate an abundance of love and support from their friends and family. “We know they will be absolutely spoiled by everyone,” beams Megan. “At this rate, we won’t even have to buy them many gifts ourselves.”

This year, the family is hosting a big Christmas gathering in their new home. Megan shares her excitement: “I can’t wait to celebrate here. Our entire family will be joining us, and it will be even more special because of our recent move. We have so many plans to make this holiday season magical for the triplets, even though they are still so young.”

One of the most significant changes for the family this year is the introduction of a Christmas tree. Megan reveals, “We usually don’t bother with a tree, but this year is entirely different for us, not just because we have the babies. Even with the constant challenges of raising triplets, we are determined to create moments for them to experience all the joys of Christmas.”

The identical triplets, Colby, Odyn and Rico in Christmas onesies

Megan’s anticipation is palpable when she talks about the magic of Christmas through a child’s eyes: “To me, the true magic of Christmas lies in the joy of children. Last year, as we walked past a queue of excited kids waiting to see Santa, the sheer excitement on one little boy’s face was truly captivating. Now, all I want is to see our boys light up with that same wonder and experience the magic of Christmas through their innocent eyes. That, for me, is the essence of Christmas.”

She continues, “We are always striving to create shared family experiences. The triplets may not fully understand what’s happening, but when I take them out to do these activities, it feels like I’m doing it purely for my own joy. We have been busy indulging in every festive activity we can think of. We’ve even found adorable Christmas onesies and jumpers for the boys to wear.”

The identical triplets, Colby, Odyn and Rico under the Christmas tree

If you want to follow along the incredible journey of Colby, Odyn, and Rico, you can keep up with their adorable photos and updates on Instagram at @me.andourthree.