Roo cuddling with her owner, Steve Hofford. Steve is looking at the camera, and Roo is cuddled up to him with her eyes closed.

Christmas is the season of giving and kindness, and it’s a time when people often open their hearts and homes to those in need. This heartwarming story is no exception. Meet Roo, an adorable three-legged whippet puppy who has found her forever home just in time for Christmas.

Roo was born with only one front leg, and at just two months old, her previous owners made the difficult decision to give her up to the Blue Cross charity. They simply didn’t have the time to care for her properly. Fortunately, Roo was placed into foster care to help her adapt to a home environment. And after being put up for adoption, she was quickly welcomed into the loving arms of her new owners, Amanda and Steve Hofford.

The couple, who reside in Basingstoke, Hampshire, experienced the heartbreaking loss of their beloved basset hound, Mabel, soon after the previous Christmas. Roo has helped to fill the void in their lives and bring back joy and laughter.

Amanda shares, “We had never been without a dog for 34 years, so losing Mabel was incredibly difficult for us. Since all of our previous six dogs were rescues, it was an easy decision for us to rescue again. When we saw Roo on the Blue Cross website, she was absolutely adorable. We read her story and knew we had to try to adopt her. The entire process, from adoption to understanding our situation, was amazing. She is a much-loved and indispensable addition to our family. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her instantly. Roo is funny, curious, affectionate, and full of life. We simply cannot imagine our lives without her.”

Roo sitting on the floor. She is looking at the camera and there is a green coloured blanket behind her.

Despite her disability, Roo quickly adapted to her forever home and doesn’t let her missing leg hinder her in any way. She enjoys all the activities that any four-legged dog would partake in. Whether it’s cuddling up on the sofa, making friends with other dogs in the park, or playing with her toys, Roo embraces life to the fullest.

Amanda proudly shares, “When Roo came to us, she had already been so well-cared for by her foster family and the Blue Cross. She settled in on the first day as if she had lived here her whole life. Her missing leg is no obstacle for her. She runs around, effortlessly goes up and down stairs, and does everything that a four-legged dog would do. We often forget that she has only three legs because it has never been an issue for her. Roo takes life in stride and lives it to the fullest, inspiring us every day.”