Sally in hospital with Carter

Sally Cox, a 26-year-old woman, had always dreamed of becoming a mother. However, her severe eating disorder made her believe that this dream would never come true. She used to pretend that the dolls she bought were real children, longing for the day when she could have a baby of her own. Thankfully, Sally’s journey took a positive turn when she finally gave birth to a baby boy named Carter.

Carter, Sally's baby boy was born healthy last year

“Ever since I was little, I have wanted to be a mummy so the years when I thought I could never have a baby were very hard.” – Sally Cox

Sally struggled with food from a young age, leading her to stick to a bland diet and not eat much. People would often comment on her skinny figure, but she saw it as a good thing and desired to become even skinnier. As a teenager, Sally received mental health support and was too weak to participate in physical education classes. She would go through an entire school day without eating, only having a KitKat in the staff toilets while working in a supermarket.

Sally Cox, 26, took photos to highlight the issue of anorexia

Sally’s weight dropped to a dangerous level of six and a half stone. When she and her partner, Ryan, started trying for a baby, doctors warned her that she was too thin to conceive. Determined to make her dream of motherhood come true, Sally got dolls to help cope with her longing. She even had a realistic reborn doll that she would take out in a pram, pretending it was her real baby.

Sally Cox in hospital with her baby Carter

“It was lovely being a mum just for a few seconds, and it made me want the real thing even more.” – Sally Cox

Knowing that she had to start taking care of herself if she wanted to become a mother, Sally faced her fear of eating in public and gradually started to get better. She gained a few pounds but still struggled to conceive. After five years of trying, Sally became pregnant in December of last year. Throughout her pregnancy, she worried about whether her body could carry the baby to full term. She felt guilty because of how small she was and believed she was letting her baby down.

In August, Sally finally gave birth to Carter, weighing a healthy 6lbs 6ozs. She instantly fell in love with him and couldn’t believe that her dream had become a reality.

Sally Cox tried for three years to have a baby

“I fell in love with him. I had wanted a baby for so long. I couldn’t believe he was actually real.” – Sally Cox

Motherhood has brought new responsibilities and joy to Sally’s life. Taking care of Carter has also helped her gain weight and become mentally stronger. She now faces her journey of overcoming anorexia with more determination and knows that she is not alone.

“Anorexia is a journey, but I know I am not facing it alone.” – Sally Cox