The sweet note from the seller

In a year that has been largely disappointing, one eBay seller has managed to bring a little magic into the lives of others. Amy, a dog lover and avid collector of football shirts, recently ordered a shirt from the auction website. Little did she know that along with her purchase, she would receive a heartwarming surprise from the seller, Steve.

Rescuing a dog can be challenging, as these poor creatures often have had a difficult start in life and need time to adjust. So when Amy received a sweet note with her delivery, she was over the moon. She had exchanged a few messages with Steve and mentioned how she had recently rescued a dog from a Romanian kill shelter. The note from Steve read, “Hi Amy, I just wanted to give a little discount/free postage etc. Buy the dogs something nice with it.”

Alongside the Crystal Palace shirt, Steve had included £20 as a gesture of kindness. This heartwarming act quickly went viral online, with people feeling overwhelmed by the generosity. One person even commented, “Lovely shirt and an even better gesture! Also, if we get doggy photos, that’s always a plus.”

Even eBay got involved in the heartwarming story. They tweeted Amy, expressing their admiration for her and the actions of Steve. They even offered to send her a voucher to buy some goodies for her beloved dog.

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