Pete Johnson with his sons, Jake and Jamie

Lockdown has been a challenging time for families all over the world. For Pete Johnson, a devoted dad from Barnsley, South Yorkshire, being separated from his two sons, Jake and Jamie, was particularly heartbreaking. Despite living just one street away from them, the lockdown restrictions meant that Pete couldn’t see his boys. Determined to stay connected, Pete came up with a heartwarming idea that touched the hearts of many.

Pete decided to make signs with touching messages for his sons and leave them outside their house. Every morning at 7am, Pete would write a new message and place it on the hedges adjacent to their living room. At noon, he would pick up the sign and have a chat with his boys through the window. What started as simple messages soon became interactive, with Pete asking his sons to draw cars, boats, or write letters.

One of the messages Pete wrote for his sons

The boys loved the signs, and it brought smiles to their faces during a difficult time. The signs also served a dual purpose for Pete – they motivated him to get up in the morning and helped combat the depression of losing contact with his children. The signs became a symbol of love and resilience, reminding Pete and his boys that they were always thinking of each other.

After four long months, Pete and his sons were finally reunited in July of last year. It was a joyous and emotional moment, as Pete saw how much his sons had grown and progressed during their time apart. For Pete, being able to be a dad to his kids again was a true blessing.

Pete, Jamie and Jake on the day they were reunited after lockdown was lifted.

Although lockdown has ended and Pete is now back to regular contact with his boys, he shared the images of the signs on social media to shed light on the difficulties faced by separated parents during the pandemic. The heartwarming story struck a chord with many, with thousands of people liking and commenting on Pete’s post.

This heartwarming story reminds us of the power of love and determination during challenging times. Pete’s signs not only kept him connected with his sons but also brought hope and inspiration to others who were facing similar struggles. It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring bond between a father and his children.