We’ve all heard stories of terrible customers in the catering industry, but this one takes the cake. A couple dining at a restaurant in Wisconsin, US, not only left no tip for their waiter, but also attached a hateful message about his sexuality to their bill.

The waiter, who preferred to remain anonymous, received a bill of $143 (£104) and was shocked to find the words: “Service was good, but we don’t tip sinful homosexuals.” This incident caught the attention of Eric Salzwedel, co-founder of the local non-profit group, Do Good Wisconsin. Quickly, he shared pictures of the receipt on the group’s Facebook page, calling for support for the waiter.

Moved by the incident, Eric posted: “This came across my table this morning and upsets me greatly! This just happened here in Madison at a local restaurant. Instead of getting into a long discussion about this person, I want to take action. I plan to go back into the restaurant, request this server, and demonstrate that this community and so many others truly LOVE them, by giving them the biggest tip they have ever received! BUT I NEED YOUR HELP!”

In a heartwarming display of unity, Do Good Wisconsin started a “Venmo Challenge” to raise funds for the waiter. The challenge quickly gained traction, with 250 individuals donating a significant amount. Together, they managed to gather an incredible $4,500 (£3,300) to present to the waiter.

Taking the money, Eric personally visited the restaurant to deliver the generous tip. As an extra gesture of support, he sat down for a meal and posted a picture of his own receipt, which showed a $4,500 tip on top of his $45.10 bill.

A receipt showing a bill of $45.10. In the tip box there is an amount of $4,500 and a total reading $4,545.10.

Eric Salzwedel, a true philanthropist, has talked about the motivation behind his charity work. In an interview with a local news station, NBC15, he said, “Every day, we have the power to make a positive difference in the lives of the people we meet or a negative impact. Let’s choose to spread love and kindness.”

This heartwarming story goes to show that even in the face of hatred, there are individuals who stand up for what is right. Through their acts of kindness, the community showed their unwavering support for the waiter and stood against discrimination.