A lifelong dream come true

Jane Allison, a 72-year-old grandmother, has finally achieved her dream of becoming a published author. Throughout her career as an English teacher, Jane always had a passion for literature and storytelling. Her students would often encourage her, saying, “You’ll write your story one day, Mrs. Allison.” However, with the responsibilities of her job and raising her children, Philip and Caroline, she never found the time to put pen to paper.

A delayed pursuit

Jane Allison and husband John

When Jane retired with her husband John, she hoped to dedicate more time to her writing. Unfortunately, life still managed to keep her occupied. She continued teaching one-on-one at a tutorial college and later became engrossed in being a grandparent to her four young grandchildren. Her dream of writing a novel was once again pushed aside.

Inspiration from the past

Jane's great grandmother and great grandfather

In 2017, Jane finally found the opportunity to pursue her writing. She had an idea that had been brewing in her mind for years, drawing inspiration from her great-grandmother, Gram. During World War I, Gram, whose real name was Sarah, bravely managed the station platform at Ackworth Station in West Yorkshire. With all the men away at war, she took on the vital role. Jane’s novel, titled The Gardener’s Wife, centers around Emma, a character inspired by Gram, who faces similar challenges during the war. The story takes an intriguing turn when Emma finds herself in a forbidden love affair, complicating her already complicated life.

A long road to publication

After more than a year of writing and perfecting her novel, Jane faced the daunting task of finding a publisher. Unfortunately, her initial attempts were met with rejection after rejection. It was disheartening for Jane, who had grown to love her characters and wanted to share their stories with the world. She thought, “oh well, it doesn’t matter,” resigning herself to the possibility that her book might never see the light of day.

A glimmer of hope

Fortunately, Jane’s son, Philip, stepped in to help. He reached out to a friend in the publishing industry, who provided a list of 40 potential publishers for Jane to contact. Despite sending her manuscript to each one, they all expressed interest but ultimately declined. Disappointed and on the verge of giving up, Jane’s daughter-in-law Catherine mentioned Cahill Davis Publishing, a new publisher that might be interested in her book.

Without much expectation, Jane submitted her story to Cahill Davis Publishing in January 2021. To her astonishment, they expressed a genuine interest in publishing her book. Jane couldn’t believe it; the door to her dreams had finally opened.

A dream realized

The Gardener's wife front cover

Just two months after receiving the offer, Jane held the hard copy of The Gardener’s Wife in her hands. The exhilarating moment overwhelmed her with joy and fulfillment. She couldn’t help but express her excitement, saying, “I can’t tell you how wonderful it was.”

Jane’s journey serves as an inspiration to all those who have put their dreams on hold. It’s never too late to pursue your passions and achieve your goals.