Husband Tells Pregnant Wife ‘You Know My Mom Comes before You’

Can you believe what this pregnant woman went through? She asked her husband for more support during her pregnancy, but the response she got was shocking. Let me break it down for you.

The woman had been dating her husband for five years before tying the knot. But during her pregnancy, she felt like she was on her own. Her husband, who is a complete momma’s boy, spent more time with his mother than with her.

After months of feeling neglected, the woman finally confronted her husband. She urged him to be more present and help prepare for the arrival of their baby. What did he say? “You know my mom comes before you.”

Can you imagine? This poor woman was left to handle everything on her own. And things only got worse when her mother-in-law called and gloated about her victory while the wife was alone with the baby.

But the breaking point came when their anniversary came around. The woman had planned a special day for them, but her husband had other ideas. He left her alone and spent the day with his mom. That’s when she realized she had to take a stand.

In search of advice, she turned to the Reddit community. And boy, did she get support! People agreed that her husband should prioritize her and their baby over his mother. Some suggested having an honest conversation with him to understand his perspective.

When the woman threatened divorce, her husband finally understood the severity of the situation. He promised to change and make things right. It was a wakeup call for him.

The woman also knew she had to address the issue with her mother-in-law. She made it clear that if things didn’t change, she would limit her access to the grandchild.

It’s a tough situation to be in, but it seems like there’s hope for this couple. The husband is making an effort, and the wife is standing her ground. Let’s hope they find a healthy balance for their growing family.