Have you ever thought about what happens to your boarding pass after your flight? Most of us don’t give it a second thought and simply throw it away or forget about it. But did you know that your boarding pass contains sensitive information that could put your privacy at risk?

Recently, a video surfaced that showed just how easy it is for someone to misuse your boarding pass. By simply taking a screenshot of the bar code and scanning it, a malicious actor can access your personal data. This includes your email address, physical address, phone number, and even your financial records.

You might be thinking, “why would anyone want to steal my boarding pass?” Well, the sad truth is that there are people out there who thrive on stealing others’ personal information. This can lead to identity theft, unauthorized access to your accounts, and even financial loss.

To better understand the dangers of posting your boarding pass online or throwing it away carelessly, watch the video below. It’s eye-opening and will make you think twice about how you handle your boarding pass.

In order to protect your privacy, it’s essential to take a few simple steps. First, always keep your boarding pass in a secure place while you’re traveling. Don’t just stuff it into a magazine or leave it lying around. Once you’re done with your flight, make sure to shred or securely dispose of your boarding pass.

Additionally, be cautious about posting pictures of your boarding pass online. Even if it seems innocent, you never know who might come across it and use it for malicious purposes. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your personal information.

So, the next time you’re traveling and holding that boarding pass in your hand, remember the hidden dangers it carries. Take a moment to safeguard it and ensure that your personal information stays secure.