In the iconic film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Paul Newman and Robert Redford played the real-life outlaws with incredible talent. Their on-screen chemistry was undeniable, but behind the scenes, Newman admitted to having mixed feelings about his co-star.

Newman, who portrayed Robert LeRoy Parker, or “Butch Cassidy,” was 44 years old at the time, while Redford, who played Harry Longabaugh, or “Sundance Kid,” was 33. In an interview with BBC Talking Pictures, Newman revealed that he found himself drawn more to Redford’s character.

“We have a lot of fun together, and we bounce off each other really well,” Newman said. “I would have wanted to play Sundance. I’m a bit more at ease with that cooled-out quality. I assume it must be the easier part.”

At the time, Redford was a rising star, having won a Golden Globe Award in 1965 for his performance in the film Inside Daisy Clover. On the other hand, Newman was already a household name, having acted alongside Elizabeth Taylor in movies like Cool Hand Luke and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

Their collaboration in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid came about after Steve McQueen turned down the role. Newman was gaining recognition for his acting and directing skills, and Redford became the perfect choice to play opposite him. However, according to Newman’s memoir, the two actors were not close friends during that time.

“You can’t count on Redford,” Newman remarked. “You can never be certain he will show up. That is absolutely impolite.” This tension may have stemmed from their different approaches to work, as Newman’s youngest child, Claire Newman Soderlund, explained. Newman valued punctuality, while Redford had a more laid-back, free-spirited attitude.

But despite their differences, Newman and Redford eventually formed a closer bond. They went on to collaborate on the film The Sting, and their friendship extended beyond the screen. They even lived just a mile apart in Connecticut and acted like brothers.

Their story is a testament to the power of chemistry between actors and the way relationships can evolve over time. The captivating performances of Paul Newman and Robert Redford will forever be remembered in the hearts of their fans.

So, the next time you watch Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid or The Sting, remember the complex relationship between these two legendary actors. It adds an intriguing layer to their on-screen magic, making their performances all the more extraordinary.