Haley and Tyler Waterman had been eagerly awaiting a showdown between their favorite NFL teams: the Dallas Cowboys and the New England Patriots. As a dedicated Cowboys fan, Haley was ready to cheer on her team alongside her husband, who was rooting for the Patriots. Little did they know that this game would bring a surprise they would never forget.

Despite being almost nine months pregnant, Haley wasn’t worried about attending the game. After all, her due date was still three weeks away. It was meant to be a fun night out for the couple before their baby girl arrived. They settled into their seats, got some snacks from the concession stand, and prepared for an exciting game.

But then, everything changed. Haley started experiencing what she thought were intense Braxton Hicks contractions. The discomfort persisted, and as she stood up, she suddenly realized that her water had broken. The unexpected turn of events caught everyone around them by surprise.

The atmosphere in the stadium shifted as spectators went from cheering for their respective teams to rooting for the soon-to-be parents. Haley couldn’t believe what was happening but managed to keep her composure. With her husband’s help, she made her way to the top of their section, where a kind security guard called for medical assistance.

Despite the emotional whirlwind she was experiencing, Haley mustered up the strength to pose for a photo. Behind the smile, tears were streaming down her face. Thankfully, an ambulance arrived promptly and rushed the Watermans to the hospital. They soon learned that Haley was already in active labor.

A few hours later, at 4:11 am on October 2, 2023, Haley and Tyler welcomed their beautiful daughter, Delaney Lou Waterman, into the world. Delaney would forever be a reminder of that unforgettable night at the football game.

Now, as Delaney grows up, her parents have made a decision. They will let her determine her own favorite team. “We will always cheer for the Cowboys, and we will always cheer for the Patriots,” Haley said. “But when they play against each other, it will be a house divided.”

Watching this heartwarming video as a family will always be a cherished moment for the Watermans.