For years, Christina Applegate has been a beloved TV star, captivating audiences in shows like Married… with Children and the Netflix series Dead to Me. However, in a recent revelation, Applegate shared that her recent diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) means that she will likely no longer be able to act on camera. The news has been a devastating blow to both her and her fans.

MS is a disease that affects the central nervous system, leading to symptoms like fatigue, muscle weakness, and problems with balance and coordination. The actress, now 51, disclosed her diagnosis in 2021, while working on the final season of Dead to Me. Unfortunately, her health challenges made it increasingly difficult for her to continue with the filming.

In a candid interview with Vanity Fair, the Anchorman star shed light on her struggles with MS and how it has significantly impacted her day-to-day life, particularly her sense of balance. Applegate lamented, “With the disease of MS, it’s never a good day. Going down the stairs, carrying things – you can’t do that anymore. It f—ing sucks.”

Despite praising her co-star Linda Cardellini in Dead to Me, Applegate hinted that the Netflix series might mark her last on-camera performance due to the challenging nature of filming with MS. She shared, “I’m probably not going to work on-camera again. I can’t even imagine going to set right now. This is a progressive disease. I don’t know if I’m going to get worse. I can do voiceover stuff because I have to support my family and keep my brain working.”

While the future may seem uncertain for Applegate’s acting career, she remains optimistic about exploring alternative avenues within the entertainment industry. In a previous interview with Variety, she expressed her desire to continue acting in some capacity, even though committing to the same hours as before is no longer viable. Applegate emphasized, “It’s about finding what I’m capable of doing. I’m so new to all of this. It takes time to figure out this disease and what brings on symptoms. I just need to find a place that’s as loving as my set was, where they won’t think I’m a diva for saying, ‘Hey, I can only work five hours.’”

Applegate also shared her interest in branching out into producing or developing projects, saying, “I’ve got a lot of ideas in my mind, and I just need to get them executed.” Despite facing this new challenge, she remains determined to find new avenues to express her creativity and contribute to the industry she loves.

It’s worth noting that Applegate is not a stranger to adversity. She is also a breast cancer survivor, having been diagnosed in 2008. After undergoing a double mastectomy, she announced that she was cancer-free. Her resilience and strength have been an inspiration to many.

As fans, we are saddened by the news that Christina Applegate may no longer be able to act on camera as much as before. We admire her courage in sharing her journey with MS and her determination to continue working in some capacity. Let us support and uplift her as she battles this disease, cheering her on as she finds new ways to leave her mark in the entertainment world.