Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience that stays with you forever. Suddenly, you have the responsibility of nurturing and supporting a unique little individual. Creating the best conditions for them and helping them achieve their dreams becomes your purpose.

In 2005, Adriana Iliescu became a mother at the age of 66, making headlines around the world. The birth of her daughter, Eliza, brought infinite happiness to Adriana. Now, 17 years later, their inspiring journey continues to captivate attention.

The birth of a child is a moment that transforms everything. As a parent, you understand the indescribable feeling of seeing your precious child gaze up at you for the first time. Some children are destined for the history books right from birth, and that is precisely what happened to Eliza Iliescu when she entered the world in 2005 in Romania. She became historic because of her extraordinary mother.

Adriana Iliescu, the oldest mother in Romania, became a world record-holder at 66 years old. While Adriana faced criticism for her decision to become a mom at an advanced age, she boldly declared that she felt youthful in spirit and healthier than women half her age.

“People may call me granny, but I never feel my years,” Adriana confidently stated. She emphasized her dedication to her daughter, explaining that she abstains from smoking and drinking to ensure she has a long and fulfilling life to share with Eliza.

Despite the skeptics, Adriana firmly believes she is a good parent and is committed to giving her daughter everything she needs. She envisions being there for Eliza until she turns 20, and her determination is unwavering.

Adriana’s journey towards motherhood was not a matter of choice. In her youth, she was forced to abort her baby for medical reasons, and her husband abandoned her at the age of 24. Focused on her career as a teacher at a university in Romania, Adriana couldn’t even imagine having a child.

However, at 57 years old, Adriana seized the opportunity when in-vitro fertilization became available in Romania. After a failed pregnancy in 2000, Adriana sought treatment from Dr. Bogdan Marinescu in Bucharest, which ultimately led to the birth of Eliza. Although Adriana became pregnant with triplets, two of the babies sadly did not survive. Nevertheless, Eliza emerged as a strong little girl, though she faced a prolonged stay in the NICU due to her premature birth.

Throughout the years, Adriana and Eliza have developed a strong bond. Despite the challenges and judgment they’ve faced, their love and connection remain unbreakable. Adriana’s deep faith and belief that Eliza is a gift from God have sustained her in the face of criticism from religious organizations.

Today, Adriana is 83 years old and still actively engaged in her writing career. She has authored more than 25 books for children and maintains good health. Even though she may look like a great-grandma to others, Adriana feels vibrant in body and mind. Her dedication and love are essential ingredients in raising a child.

To secure Eliza’s future, Adriana made an arrangement with her doctor to serve as the girl’s godfather and legal guardian if anything were to happen to her. While Adriana prefers to keep their family life private, we know that 17-year-old Eliza aspires to pursue higher education, following in her mother’s academic footsteps.

Eliza is thriving under her mother’s care, surpassing many expectations. Her happiness, contentment, and well-rounded personality reflect the devotion of her remarkable mother.

Adriana’s journey is a testament to the incredible love and determination that transcends age. She defied norms and proved that age is no barrier to being a loving and dedicated parent.