On a recent flight from Frankfurt, Germany, Diane Cupp had the privilege of witnessing a truly moving moment. As the Delta Air Lines plane made a layover in Atlanta, the pilot announced that a US Army private would be exiting the aircraft first. This private had the special duty of transporting the remains of a fallen WWII soldier.

What happened next took Cupp by surprise. As the private stood up to leave the plane with the remains, a group of high school students spontaneously rose from their seats and began singing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Cupp, who was not on her original flight, felt that she was meant to be there to witness this incredible display of patriotism.

The students responsible for this touching gesture were part of the Iowa Ambassadors of Music, a group of 160 students who had just spent two weeks touring Europe and performing in concerts. Among them, 60 students belonged to the choir. Cupp herself had recently toured historic World War II sites in France and Germany, making the moment even more poignant for her.

Now, you too can watch this incredible performance that pays tribute to a fallen soldier. Share it with your friends and family, because this is a moment that should not be missed.