
Parenting is a challenging journey that requires trial and error, as well as creative problem-solving. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to being a good parent, and it’s important to remember that self-help books can only offer insights and possibilities, not definitive answers.


Every parent has their own unique parenting style, making do with what they have and finding ways to navigate the joys and challenges of raising children. However, society tends to judge and label anything that doesn’t fit their ideal as “poor parenting.” This was the case for a couple who recently faced harsh criticism for using leashes with their five children.

Jordan Driskell, the father in question, faced backlash after a video of him tying his children on leashes in the street went viral. Many people argued that children should not be treated like dogs and questioned why the couple had so many kids if they couldn’t handle them. But there’s more to this story than meets the eye.


Jordan took to Instagram to share another video, inviting people to “walk a mile in his shoes.” He explained that his wife, Brianna, had given birth to quintuplets, which is why they have so many young children with them when they go out. Being around children of that age can be overwhelming, and using leashes provides them with peace of mind and sanity. It allows the family to do fun activities together without feeling overwhelmed.

It’s important to note that using leashes is not about treating children like animals. It’s a creative problem-solving approach to keep active and curious children under control, especially in crowded and unfamiliar environments. Parenting and youth development expert Dr. Deborah Gilboa commended the Driskells’ innovative problem-solving skills and emphasized that this should be seen as a unique solution to their specific situation.


While using leashes can be helpful, there should be limits. Parents need to consider alternative ways of ensuring their children’s safety and control as they grow older. As Dr. Gilboa suggests, parents should explore different methods to manage their children until the age of eight.

Parenting is a journey of learning and adapting. Each family has their own unique set of challenges, and it’s important for society to respect different parenting styles and solutions. So, let’s be understanding and supportive of one another as we navigate the ups and downs of parenthood.