The Roloff family, known for their reality show Small People, Big World, has unfortunately experienced the heartbreaking loss of several loved ones throughout the years. However, amidst the sorrow, they have found strength and unity.

Matt’s ode to his father Ronald

Earlier this year, Matt Roloff, the renowned actor, bid a heartfelt farewell to his beloved father, Ronald James Roloff, who passed away at the age of 84. Matt shared his emotions candidly on Instagram, saying, “A sad week for the Roloff Family… my dad, lovingly known as ‘papa’ to his 10 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren, peacefully went home to be with his Lord and Savior.”

He described his father as a wonderful husband, father, grandpa, and great-grandfather who inspired many people. Ronald’s devotion to Jesus was evident throughout his life and remained strong until his last breath. Prior to his passing, Matt had already shared his father’s battle with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, making his loss even more difficult.

Remembering Josh Roloff

In 1999, the Roloff family had to face another tragic loss when Matt’s younger brother, Josh Roloff, passed away at the age of 34. Josh had been dealing with serious heart and lung issues since childhood, and his departure left a void in their lives. To honor his memory, the family dedicated a chapter to him in their book Small Family, Big Values. Even after many years, the Roloff family continues to cherish Josh’s memory and eagerly awaits the day they will reunite with him in the presence of Jesus.

Amy’s loss during a joyful occasion

During the celebration of her engagement to her second husband, Chris Marek, Amy Roloff was met with sudden grief when her mother, Patricia Knight, passed away. Amy shared the roller coaster of emotions she experienced during those two weeks in 2019. The joy of her engagement was overshadowed by the news of her mother’s hospitalization and subsequent passing. It was a moment of heartbreak and confusion for Amy, as she tried to navigate conflicting feelings.

Jacob’s loss and preserving memories

Jacob, the son of Amy and Matt, also had to face the pain of loss. While the exact year of their meeting is uncertain, he married his wife Isabel in 2019. Before their union, Isabel’s brother, Tomás Garrenton, tragically lost his life in a devastating railway accident. Jacob and Isabel now have sons of their own, and Isabel is committed to ensuring that her child grows up knowing everything about his late uncle. She wants her son to be fully aware of the love and joy Tomás brought into their lives, even though they never had the chance to meet in person.

Isabel’s double loss

Isabel’s journey of grief did not end with the loss of her brother. Just two years after Tomás passed away, her mother, Toni Garreton, also left this world. Isabel eloquently described the unpredictable nature of sorrow, how it can hit you when you least expect it. She spoke of driving down familiar roads and suddenly feeling her mother’s presence, the memories flooding back. Isabel treasures every memory and continues to travel the road of life, missing her mother at every turn.

Through each devastating loss, the Roloff family has remained strong and united. While their hearts still ache from the absence of their loved ones, they carry their memories with them. These losses have reminded them of the importance of cherishing every moment and supporting one another through the toughest times.