Beauty is personal and subjective. For Jessy Kirkpatrick, a 27-year-old blogger from Kansas, extreme body modifications have become a powerful way to express themselves and feel confident. Despite facing criticism and negative comments, Kirkpatrick firmly believes that these modifications contribute to their own sense of beauty and well-being.

Embracing Self-Expression

Growing up, Kirkpatrick felt dissatisfied with their appearance. As a teenager, they began making small modifications like piercings in an effort to redefine themselves. Over time, their desire for self-expression grew, leading them to invest in stretched septums, nostrils, lips, tongues, striking face and neck tattoos, and even silicone horn implants.

Overcoming Judgment

Unsurprisingly, Kirkpatrick’s unique appearance has attracted attention and judgment from others. They have been called names like “ugly” and “freak,” with some going as far as saying they are destined for hell. However, Kirkpatrick remains resilient against these opinions. They firmly believe in their right to choose who they want to be and how they want to look. After all, the most important perspective is how they see themselves.

A Positive Impact on Mental Health

Interestingly, Kirkpatrick’s journey towards extreme body modifications has had a profound impact on their mental health. Despite previous struggles with anorexia, they have never felt more content and self-assured. Moreover, this transformation has not hindered their ability to find work. Kirkpatrick cleverly conceals their modifications by wearing clear jewelry, effectively communicating their desire for self-expression to employers who have been understanding and supportive.

Empowered by Family Support

Initially, Kirkpatrick’s family had concerns about their choices. However, they have now become strong advocates. Kirkpatrick’s mother, father, and brother admire their courage and view their modifications as a beautiful expression of individuality. This support has empowered Kirkpatrick to explore even more modifications in the future, such as eyeball tattoos, scarification, a full-body blackout suit, dermals, a split tongue, tattoos under their tongue, a larger stretched labret, larger nostrils, a larger septum, and even five-inch earlobes.

Challenging Stereotypes

Kirkpatrick’s story challenges existing stereotypes about body modifications and the impact they can have on one’s life. Despite facing criticism and being labeled as “ugly” by internet trolls, Kirkpatrick remains resolute in their self-expression. Their idea of beauty transcends societal norms and expectations.

What are your thoughts on extreme body modification? We would love to hear from you in the comments!