Mom Of Rare Down Syndrome Twins Shows How Beautiful And Precious They Are To Silence Critics

Did you know that twin pregnancies are still quite uncommon? In fact, only about 33 out of every 1,000 births result in twins. And when it comes to identical twins, the chances are even lower – only three to four out of 1,000 births, on average.

Now, imagine the joy of expecting twins, only to discover that they both have Down syndrome. That’s exactly what happened to Savannah Combs, a brave 23-year-old woman from Middleburg, Florida. While the news was undoubtedly upsetting, Savannah saw something truly beautiful in her children’s condition.

“They’ve been my little gems,” Savannah lovingly expressed.

A Journey of Love and Strength

Despite the challenges and potential judgments from others, Savannah and her husband Justin Ackerman made the decision to embrace their children exactly as they are. And Savannah has been documenting their postpartum journey on TikTok, where their videos have gained immense popularity.

In one of her videos, Savannah shared that she was advised to abort her children because they might not survive. But she defied the odds and chose to give them a fighting chance. Every prenatal appointment that confirmed their existence was seen as a blessing in her eyes.

Overcoming Obstacles with Resilience

Savannah’s husband was away at boot camp when they discovered that both of their daughters had Down syndrome. Despite this unexpected news, Savannah remained strong. She gave birth to Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, identical twin daughters, on May 12, 2021, but due to their premature birth, the twins had to spend some time in the NICU before going home.

But what makes their story even more extraordinary is that these twins are what’s known as “mono di twins,” which means they had their own sacs but shared the same placenta. This rarity, combined with their Down syndrome, makes them one in two million.

Celebrating Every Milestone

To Savannah, her daughters are just like any other children, despite their uncommon condition. She firmly believes that they have feelings, beating hearts, and a unique way of experiencing the world. Savannah understands that they may take a little longer to reach certain milestones, but she knows they will get there with their resilient and spirited personalities.

And as each milestone is accomplished, Savannah continues to share their journey on TikTok. She wants the world to see that her children are just like everyone else, and they are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to – as long as they have the support and love of their family.

Standing Strong Against Critics

Unfortunately, not everyone is accepting and understanding of Savannah’s decision to keep and adore her children. She has faced cruelty and criticism on social media, with some suggesting that her babies should have been put up for adoption. But Savannah has the perfect response to these negative comments.

“I said, good thing they weren’t born to you and were born to me. God knew what he was doing by giving these babies to the right parents who would love them regardless,” Savannah confidently posted on Facebook.

The love and strength that Savannah and her family display in the face of adversity is remarkable. They serve as an inspiration to all, reminding us to embrace the beauty in every individual, regardless of their differences.