As a mother, I cherish the moments when I can nourish my children, Timmy and Addie. Today, while at the mall, I faced a situation that reminded me of the importance of standing up for what is right.

As Addie started getting hungry, I asked Timmy if he was also hungry. He eagerly nodded, so we headed to the food court. Timmy loves sesame chicken, so we ordered that for him. As for Addie, I prepared to breastfeed her, ensuring she receives her favorite “boobie delight.”

As I covered up to breastfeed Addie, a lady passing by gave me disapproving glances. She then approached me, speaking in a derogatory manner, saying, “You do know there is a chair in the bathroom to do that? My child does not need to see you feeding yours here while she’s eating.”

Before I could respond, I was taken aback by the courage and wisdom of my almost 6-year-old son, Timmy. He jumped in and said, “I don’t need to see your kid eating while I’m eating. She’s eating food with no body part showing.” He then turned to the lady and confidently added, “I can see her legs, but you can’t see any part of my sister.”

The lady, taken aback by Timmy’s response, questioned my parenting and asked if I allow him to talk to everyone like that. I took a moment to collect my thoughts and replied, “How can I put it truthfully? My son is just a well-educated 5-year-old.”

Timmy, displaying bravery and empathy, decided to take matters into his own hands. He walked over to the lady’s table, offering to help her carry her food to the bathroom. He reminded her that if she deemed it appropriate for my sister to eat there, then it should be acceptable for her to eat there too. What a proud moment for me as a mother!

Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful act, a fundamental way to nourish our little ones. It is crucial that we support and encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies wherever they feel comfortable. Let’s create a world where children learn to respect and appreciate this special bond between a mother and her child.

I urge you to share this story with all the moms you know. It serves as a reminder of the power of allowing our children to speak up and defend themselves and their families. Let’s make it safe for our children to express themselves and stand up for what is right.