Valerie Bertinelli Opens Up About Overcoming Weight Mockery

Valerie Bertinelli, beloved actress and Food Network celebrity, recently opened up about her experience of being “mercilessly mocked” for her weight in a previous relationship. In a heartfelt TikTok video, she shared how wearing a pair of old jeans triggered memories of the hurtful comments she endured. But now, she can look back and laugh, knowing that she has come a long way in her healing journey.

Bertinelli described the emotional scars as “hidden bruises” left by the emotional, verbal, and mental abuse she faced. Although these bruises may not be visible to others, they have a lasting impact on one’s day-to-day life. Thankfully, through her commitment to healing, she has made considerable progress.

Despite her initial hesitation to share her story, Bertinelli wanted to provide encouragement and support to those who might be going through similar experiences. She emphasized that leaving an abusive relationship is a courageous step towards healing and self-discovery. To those who can relate to her journey, she warmly welcomed them to her tribe.

Bertinelli’s openness comes shortly after discussing her divorce and the pain associated with it. She acknowledged the emotional toll that such experiences can have on a person, recognizing the importance of addressing and releasing that pain. Through therapy, journaling, meditation, and other healing practices like rolfing, she is actively working towards her recovery.

Bertinelli filed for a legal separation from her ex-husband Tom Vitale in January 2022, followed by a divorce six months later. Rejoicing in her newfound freedom, she declared that divorcing Vitale was the second-best day of her life. She is determined to move forward, leaving behind the painful memories and embracing a brighter future.

Valerie Bertinelli’s story is a testament to the strength and resilience it takes to break free from an abusive relationship. Her courage to share her journey offers hope and inspiration to others who are on a similar path of healing.