On October 1, 2017, a horrifying event took place at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada. A psychopath opened fire on the crowd, resulting in 48 fatalities and 851 injuries. This tragic incident left emotional and psychological scars that will continue to affect many lives for a long time. One of the victims was Jovanna Calzadillas, a 30-year-old mother who was attending the event with her husband, Francisco ‘Frank’ Calzadillas. As the chaos erupted, Jovanna was shot in the head and fell to the ground.

Jovanna was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital, but her chances of survival seemed slim. The doctors delivered heartbreaking news to her husband, Frank. They asked him to make the difficult decision of “pulling the cord” and letting Jovanna go. This devastating situation shattered Frank completely.

But one night, everything changed. Frank had a vivid dream where Jovanna approached him and whispered, “Everything will be fine.” This dream had a profound effect on Frank, and when he woke up, he made a resolute decision – he would not give up on his wife. He refused to turn off Jovanna’s respirator, defying the doctors’ advice.

Against all odds, Jovanna miraculously woke up. Even the doctors were amazed by this unexpected turn of events. “Her shot injury was difficult, but we prayed and hoped and then she woke up,” said Frank, who is a policeman with the Salt River Police Department in Arizona. Jovanna worked tirelessly for months to rebuild her life after the terrifying incident in Las Vegas.

The journey towards recovery was challenging and often frustrating for Jovanna, but her determination to better herself and her family never wavered. Despite the difficulties of confronting her past and the demons that came with it, Jovanna continues to speak openly about her experiences and strives to return to a normal life.

Reflecting on her journey, Jovanna said, “Some of me disappeared that night on October 1. Even though I will not be the same old Jovanna, I will come back stronger.” She adds, “I will fight for them,” referring to her family. “And I will not stop believing in myself.”

Jovanna’s powerful message reaches out to not only the victims of the tragic Las Vegas assault but also to people worldwide who may be living in fear after any particular tragedy. Her story is an inspiration to all, showing that we can overcome any obstacle, regardless of the circumstances. We must continue to fight for what is right and what we believe in, no matter what challenges come our way.

Watch this news report about Jovanna’s amazing journey.

Jovanna speaking publicly

Jovanna’s courage to speak publicly and share her healing journey is truly remarkable. Her words provide comfort and support to other victims, helping them regain a sense of normalcy after a devastating attack. Let Jovanna’s incredible strength and attitude inspire you. Share this article to spread her story and inspire others.